- 建立起企业驻外人员和企业内部信息沟通的平台思路
- 解决保护公司的核心产品信息的安全
- 创造工程建筑行业与制造业更高效的融合的方法
- 使用最新的轻量化模型的技术指导现在的施工作业
- 飞 李镇江西门子母线有限公司 技术总监 IEC TC121/SC121B/MT3 委员
- Xuesong Bai (白雪松)Xuesong worked as technical support of (Inventor,AutoCAD Mechanical,Navisworks,Showcase,Vault and so on)in the Autodesk partner; Xuesong is currently working as QA for factory layout design suite team in Autodesk; Xuesong is working part-time for customer experience for factory layout; Xuesong is the author of the textbook of factory layout design;
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