• InfoWorks ICM

Viewing 1D simulation results with long sections

Use the Long Setion window to view simulation results.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


Long Sections are useful for reviewing results of a simulation.


The Long Section window displays a cross-section of network objects through the length of a selected run.


When viewing simulation results in a Long Section window,


you can enhance the view further by displaying additional information along with the default water level and total head.


To complete this exercise, copy the data out of the transportable database .icmt file for this tutorial.


Double-click the Design Run simulation to open the run in the GeoPlan.


You can also drag the 1D Results theme object onto the GeoPlan,


so you can see the previously created themes in the Long Section window as well.


Click the Find in GeoPlan tool and perform a Quick Find for outfall node TF91299305.


With the node selected on the GeoPlan, click the Long Section pick tool,


and then click the upstream link that connects to the selected node.


The Long Section window opens with the results of the four selected links, traveling upstream and ending at the junction.


You can pick and add individual links by holding the Ctrl key and selecting the objects.


You can use the Replay Control toolbar to play or step forward through the simulation,


to see how the rainfall causes flooding and surcharge through the selected nodes.


To modify the orientation, colors, and fill of the section, right-click the Long Section and select Properties.


If you want the window to display more information, you can customize which results fields are displayed.


In the Section Properties dialog, on the Content tab, click Field Settings to open the Network Label Field Settings dialog.


Select Node, and in the list of fields on the right, enable Ground level and Flood depth.


Now select the Conduit object, and in the field list, enable DS flow and DS velocity.


Click OK twice to exit the two windows.


You can now see these fields update dynamically as you play or step forward using the Replay Control toolbar.


Right click on the long section again.


This will display the long section tools which can also be selected from the section menu.


These tools allow you to quickly make or create from selections, export to AutoCAD DWG and open the object grid windows.

Video transcript


Long Sections are useful for reviewing results of a simulation.


The Long Section window displays a cross-section of network objects through the length of a selected run.


When viewing simulation results in a Long Section window,


you can enhance the view further by displaying additional information along with the default water level and total head.


To complete this exercise, copy the data out of the transportable database .icmt file for this tutorial.


Double-click the Design Run simulation to open the run in the GeoPlan.


You can also drag the 1D Results theme object onto the GeoPlan,


so you can see the previously created themes in the Long Section window as well.


Click the Find in GeoPlan tool and perform a Quick Find for outfall node TF91299305.


With the node selected on the GeoPlan, click the Long Section pick tool,


and then click the upstream link that connects to the selected node.


The Long Section window opens with the results of the four selected links, traveling upstream and ending at the junction.


You can pick and add individual links by holding the Ctrl key and selecting the objects.


You can use the Replay Control toolbar to play or step forward through the simulation,


to see how the rainfall causes flooding and surcharge through the selected nodes.


To modify the orientation, colors, and fill of the section, right-click the Long Section and select Properties.


If you want the window to display more information, you can customize which results fields are displayed.


In the Section Properties dialog, on the Content tab, click Field Settings to open the Network Label Field Settings dialog.


Select Node, and in the list of fields on the right, enable Ground level and Flood depth.


Now select the Conduit object, and in the field list, enable DS flow and DS velocity.


Click OK twice to exit the two windows.


You can now see these fields update dynamically as you play or step forward using the Replay Control toolbar.


Right click on the long section again.


This will display the long section tools which can also be selected from the section menu.


These tools allow you to quickly make or create from selections, export to AutoCAD DWG and open the object grid windows.

Step-by-step guide

Long Sections are useful for reviewing results of a simulation. The Long Section window displays a cross-section of network objects through the length of a selected run. When viewing simulation results in a Long Section window, the view can be further enhanced by displaying additional information along with the default water level and total head.

To complete this exercise, copy the data out of the transportable database .icmt file for this tutorial.

  1. From the Model Group, double-click the Design Run simulation to open the run in the GeoPlan.
  2. Drag the 1D Results theme object onto the GeoPlan, to see the previously defined themes in the Long Section window being created.

The Explorer window with the Design Run (M5-60) simulation and the 1D Results theme object highlighted.

  1. Click the Find in GeoPlan tool.
  2. Perform a Quick Find for outfall node TF91299305.
  3. On the GeoPlan Tools toolbar, click the Long Section pick tool.

In the GeoPlan Tools toolbar, the Long Section pick tool is highlighted.

  1. On the GeoPlan, click the upstream link that connects to the selected node.

The Long Section window opens with the results of the four selected links, traveling upstream and ending at the junction.

The Long Section window with the results of the four selected links.

  1. Hold the CTRL key and on the GeoPlan, pick individual links to add.
  2. Use the Replay Control toolbar to play or step forward through the simulation, to see how the rainfall causes flooding and surcharge through the selected nodes.

To modify the orientation, colors, and fill of the section:

  1. Right-click the Long Section window and select Properties.

The Long Section Properties dialog box.

  1. In the Section Properties dialog box, on the Content tab, click Field Settings.
  2. In the Network Label Field Settings dialog box, select Node.
  3. In the list of fields on the right, enable Ground level and Flood depth.
  4. Select the Conduit object.
  5. In the field list, enable DS flow and DS velocity.

The Network Label Field Settings dialog box with the Conduit object type selected, and in the field list, DS flow and DS velocity enabled.

  1. Click OK twice to exit the two windows.

These fields update dynamically when using the play or step forward Replay Controls.

  1. Right click the Long Section window again.

The Long Section shortcut menu, with options to create from selections, export to AutoCAD DWG, and open object grid windows.

This displays the long section tools, which can also be selected from the Section menu. Use these tools to quickly create from selections, export to AutoCAD DWG, and open object grid windows.

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