• InfoWorks ICM

Representing model details

Identify levels of detail used in hydraulic models.

InfoWorks ICM can represent different areas of the same hydraulic model with different levels of detail.

  1. Examine the integrated model with a representation that varies spatially.

On the left is a river network with minimal details. The river network is used to route flows and simulate river levels. It interacts with the central 2D zone.

An integrated model with a representation that varies spatially.

  1. Notice on the left is a river network that is skeletal in detail. The river network is used to route flows and simulate river levels.

A river network displays and routes flows, and it simulates river levels.

  1. Notice on the top and right is a typical 1D sewer system utilizing subcatchments.
  2. Compare this with the center of the model, which provides a more detailed view of the impact flooding.

A detailed model displays impact flooding.

  1. In the central area, the 1D network is connected to the 2D mesh. This hybrid approach reduces the effort required to create the model, while providing the confidence level needed at the desired locations.

A zoomed-in view of the 1D/2D model area, which displays the most detail.