• InfoWorks WS Pro

Working with databases

Create and use databases to work with models.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step Guide

When working in InfoWorks WS Pro, you will need to understand how to create and use databases and transportable databases. This is necessary to know how all the data associated with a model is organized and stored.

First, you must have InfoWorks WS Pro installed either on your local computer or virtual machine (VM). You will also need the WS Pro Introduction Data folder on your desktop. Within the Data folder, you will find additional subfolders labeled by individual session number.

The Data folder displayed in a file explorer, with additional subfolders displayed, labeled by session number.

  1. Open InfoWorks WS Pro by selecting it from the Start menu or double-clicking the shortcut icon on your desktop.
  2. In the ribbon, select File > Open > Open/Create database.

The File menu with the Open flyout displayed and Open/Create database selected.

  1. In the Open/Create dialog box, enable Standalone.

The Open/Create dialog box with the Standalone option highlighted.

  1. In the Open Database dialog box, click New.

The Open Database dialog box with New selected.

  1. In the Save As window, navigate to the Session 2 folder and name the new database “WSProIntro.wspm”.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

In the Model Group window, you can see the Database and Recycle Bin. You will now insert a model into the Database. You can build a model from scratch, but for this exercise, you will use an existing model from a transportable database.

The Model Group window with the newly created Database and the Recycle Bin.

  1. From the toolbar, select File > Open > Open transportable database
  2. Open the Session 2.wspt file. 
  3. In the transportable database dialog box, under the Transportable database folder, right-click Session 02, and select Copy.

The transportable database dialog box with the Session 02 shortcut menu displayed and Copy selected.

  1. In the Model Group window, right-click Database and click Paste: Session 02 (with children).

The Model Group window with the Database shortcut menu displayed and Paste: Session 02 (with children) selected.

  1. From the notification dialog box, enable Copy Ground Models.
  2. Enable Copy Simulation Results.
  3. Click Continue.

The notification dialog box showing Session 02 ground models and simulations, with both Copy Ground Models and Copy Simulation Results enabled.

  1. Close the transportable database window.
  2. In the Model Group window, under Database, expand Session 02 to display the objects constituting the model.
  3. Expand Run Group.
  4. Expand BridgeTown Base.

The Model Group window with the file tree expanded and the BridgeCon run displayed under BridgeTown Base.

Note: If BridgeCon is transparent, right-click BridgeTown Base and select Re-run from the flyout.

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