• InfoWorks WS Pro

Using scenarios to change multiple objects

Use scenarios to adjust the properties of multiple selected objects in a network.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step Guide

InfoWorks WS Pro allows you to make changes to multiple objects with the goal of achieving a desired simulation result.

  1. In the Scenarios toolbar, click Create scenario.

The InfoWorks WS Pro toolbar with the Create scenario command called out.

  1. In the Create New Scenario dialog box, in the New Scenario Name field, enter “Resize-63”.
  2. Enable Create matching scenario in the Control.
  3. Click OK.

The Create New Scenario dialog box for the Resize-63 scenario with Create matching scenario in the Control enabled and OK selected.

In the Scenarios toolbar, in the Scenario select drop-down, notice that the name of the scenario changes.

The Scenario drop-down with the updated Scenario name.

  1. In the Operations toolbar, select Find network objects.

The Operations toolbar with the Find network objects command called out and selected.

  1. In the Network Find dialog box, in the Match Identifier group box, select Asset.
  2. In the Wildcard field, enter the asset ID “102112”.
  3. In the Matched Objects list, click on the asset ID 102112.
  4. Click Select and find.

In the Network Find dialog box, Asset selected under Match Identifier and other options configured, with Select and find selected.

  1. Close the Network Find dialog box.

Notice in the GeoPlan, pipe 102112 appears highlighted in red.

  1. In the Tools toolbar, click Select.

The Tools toolbar with the Select command called out and selected, and in the workspace, the GeoPlan window with the found pipe highlighted in red.

  1. On your keyboard, hold CTRL as you click the pipes to the left and to the right of the highlighted pipe.

Note: All three pipes should be selected.

  1. Right-click inside the GeoPlan and click Selection > Save selection.

The GeoPlan with three pipes selected and highlighted in red, with the shortcut menu displayed, the Selection flyout open and Save selection selected.

  1. In the Save as dialog box, in the folder tree, click Selection Lists.
  2. In the field at the top of the dialog box, enter the name “Pipe selection”.
  3. Click Save.

The Save as dialog box with the name “Pipe Selection” entered, Selection Lists highlighted and Save selected.

The three pipes are now grouped.

To change the properties of all three pipes at once:

  1. On the menu bar, click Selection > Selection operations > Adjust selected values.

The Selection menu displayed with the Selection operations flyout open and Adjust selected values selected.

  1. In the Adjust Selected Network Values dialog box, in the Network Objects group box, enable Links.
  2. In the Field group box, expand the drop-down and select Diameter.
  3. In the Adjustment Value group box, enter the value “63”.
  4. In the Adjustment Type group box, enable Replace existing value.
  5. Click OK.

The Adjust Selected Network Values dialog box with options configured for the three pipes and OK selected.

  1. In the notification dialog box, click Yes.
  2. In the Tools toolbar, click Properties.

The Tools toolbar with the Properties command called out and selected.

  1. In the GeoPlan, select one of the three pipes still highlighted in red.
  2. n the Properties window, check that the Diameter is 63.

The Properties window with the Shape section highlighted and the updated Diameter (in) value of 63 highlighted in red.

To make changes to multiple objects using grid windows:

  1. In the Model Group window, expand Selection Lists.
  2. Drag-and-drop Pipe Selection into the GeoPlan.

The Model Group window with Selection Lists expanded and Pipe Selection selected.

  1. On your keyboard, press and hold CTRL.
  2. In the Windows toolbar, expand the Grid windows drop-down and select New links window.

In the Windows toolbar, the Grid windows drop-down with New links window selected and called out.

  1. In the Grid window, locate the Diameter column.

If needed, enter new values for each pipe here.

The Grid window with the Diameter column highlighted.

  1. Close the grid window.

To incorporate the scenario into an existing run group:

  1. In the Model Group window, right-click BridgeNet and select Commit changes to database.

The network shortcut menu with the Commit changes to database option selected.

  1. Double-click the Pipe Replacement run group.
  2. In the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, in the Network group box, click Update to latest.
  3. In the Control group box, click Update to latest.

In the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, the Update to latest button for both Network and Control highlighted in red.

  1. Open the Scenarios tab.
  2. Select the box next to Resize-63.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Re-Run.

The Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, Scenarios tab, with options configured and Re-Run selected.

  1. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Notice in the Model Group window, the Resize-63 scenario has been simulated as part of the Pipe Replacement run group.

In the Model Group window, the Pipe Replacement run group expanded with the Resize-63 scenario included and called out.

To view the results of a scenario, drag-and-drop it into the GeoPlan. Or, view the graph or grid results of each.

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