• InfoWorks WS Pro

Making changes to a control

Make changes to a control and then simulate them using scenarios.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:

Step-by-step Guide

InfoWorks WS Pro allows you to make changes to a control. For example, you can add a new control profile to an object to change its behavior during a simulation.

First, create a new scenario:

  1. From the Model Group window, drag-and-drop the BridgeNet network into the workspace to open the GeoPlan.
  2. In the Scenarios toolbar, click Create scenario.

The InfoWorks WS Pro interface with the BridgeNet network open in the GeoPlan, and in the Scenarios toolbar, the Create scenario command called out.

  1. In the Create New Scenario dialog box, enter the name “PRV”.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the Operations toolbar, click Find network objects.

The Operations toolbar with the Find network objects command called out.

  1. In the Network Find dialog box, enable Links.
  2. In the Match Identifier group box, enable Asset.
  3. In the Wildcard field, enter the asset ID “239191”.
  4. Click Select and find.

In the Network Find dialog box, Asset selected under Match Identifier and other options configured, with Select and find selected.

Notice that in the GeoPlan, the valve is highlighted in red.

  1. In the Tools toolbar, click Properties.

The Tools toolbar with the Properties command called out.

  1. In the GeoPlan, click the valve.

In the Properties window, under Valve Control, notice that the Mode ID is listed as “PRV”.

  1. In the Profiles row, click More ().

The Properties window, Valve Control section, with the Mode ID updated to PRV, and in the Profiles row, the More command called out.

  1. In the Profiles window for the valve, set the current Date & Time.
  2. Add two more Date & Time entries with the same date, but with different times.

Note: If you copy and paste the entries from an external source, the month and day need to match your system, or you could encounter an error.

  1. In the Pressure (m) column, enter values for the three time entries, such as “20”, “24”, and “20”.
  2. Click OK.

The Profiles dialog box with values entered in the Date & Time and Pressure columns, also displayed in a graph format, and OK selected.

  1. Commit the changes you just made to both the BridgeNet network and BridgeCon control.
  2. Create a new run and title it “PRV”.
  3. Drag the BridgeNet network into the Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box and drop it in the Network group box.
  4. In the Scenarios tab, select the boxes next to Base and PRV.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Run.

The Schedule Hydraulic Run dialog box, Scenarios tab, with PRV selected and called out.

  1. In the notification dialog box, click Yes to confirm that you want to proceed with running the simulations.
  2. Once the simulations are complete, in the Model Group window, expand the PRV
  3. Drag-and-drop [PRV] BridgeCon into the GeoPlan.

The Model Group window with the PRV run group expanded, and the GeoPlan with [PRV] BridgeCon open.

  1. In the Tools toolbar, click Graph.

The Tools toolbar with the Graph command called out.

  1. In the GeoPlan, click the node downstream from the valve.
  2. In the Select what to graph dialog box, select Pressure.
  3. Enable Add Control Profile.
  4. Click OK.

The Select what to graph dialog box with Pressure (m), Add Control Profile and OK selected.

  1. Review the graph of the PRV scenario displaying the profile you imported.

The graph dialog box with the results showing the pressure (m) over a 24-hour period.

  1. Close the graph.

To Compare the [PRV] BridgeCon run with the BridgeCon Run:

  1. Right-click BridgeCon Run and select Open as.
  2. In the Select Results dialog box, select As Alternate Results For Comparison.
  3. Click OK.

The Select Results dialog box with As Alternate Results for Comparison and OK selected.

  1. In the Tools toolbar, click Graph.
  2. Click the node downstream from the PRV.
  3. Select Pressure.
  4. Enable Add Control Profile.
  5. Enable Graph alternate results.
  6. Click OK.

Review the graph displaying results of the two runs for comparison.

  1. Close the graph.
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