• InfoWater Pro

Create a new InfoSurge Pro project in ArcGIS Pro

Create a new InfoSurge Pro project in ArcGIS Pro.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


To create a new InfoSurge Pro project in ArcGIS Pro, first create a new project, and then identify the desired data file.

  1. From the ArcGIS Pro Open page, under New Project, select the Map option.

The ArcGIS Open page, with the Map option selected and called out with a red arrow.

  1. In the Create a New Project dialog box, type a name the new project—here, “Tutorial” is entered.
  2. Next to the Location field, click Browse, or the folder button.
  3. In the New Project Location dialog box, navigate to and select the desired location for the model.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click OK again to close the Create a New Project dialog box.

The Create a New Project dialog box, with the Name and Location entered for this example.

After a moment, the new map project appears in the ArcGIS interface. Now, model data can be added.

  1. On the Map ribbon, Layer panel, click Add Data.
  2. Browse to and select the desired data file. For this example, in the Model Data sample folder, the shapefile Pipe-GIS.shp is selected.
  3. Click OK.

In the Add Data dialog box, the data file for this example selected and called out with a red arrow, and the OK button also called out with a red arrow.

  1. From the InfoWater Pro ribbon, click Initialize.
  2. In the Create New InfoWater Project dialog box, pick the Same as active map option for the spatial reference.
  3. Click OK.

After a few seconds, the model layers appear in the Contents list.

The Contents list displaying model layers, such as Junction, Tank, and Reservoir, for the new project.

  1. From the Project ribbon, click Save to save the new project.