• Revit

Create customized panel schedules

Create, edit, and apply panel schedule templates.

Step-by-step guide

Create, edit, and apply panel schedule templates.

  1. Open the project E02_01.rvt. Ensure the current view is Lighting > Floor Plans > 1 – Lighting.
  2. In the Project Browser, open the Panel Schedule LP-2.

The top-left corner of the Revit interface showing the Project Browser open and the 1 – Lighting floor plan open in the drawing area.

  1. In the Manage tab of the ribbon, expand the Panel Schedule Templates drop-down and select Manage Templates.

A portion of the Revit interface showing the Manage ribbon with the Panel Schedule Templates drop-down open and Manage Templates being selected, with the Branch Panel: LP-2 schedule open in the Modification window.

  1. In the Manage Panel Schedule Templates dialog box, click Duplicate.
  2. In the popup, rename the duplicate “Branch Panel Commercial”.
  3. Click OK.

The Manage Panel Schedule Templates dialog open in the background, with the Duplicate Panel Schedule Template popup open in front of it, the duplicated panel schedule renamed to “Branch Panel Commercial,” and OK being selected.

  1. Under Templates, select the new branch panel and then click Make Default.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the Manage tab of the ribbon, Panel Schedule Templates drop-down, select Edit a Template.
  4. In the Edit a Template dialog box, select the Branch Panel Commercial template.
  5. Click Open.

The Edit a Template dialog, with Branch Panel Commercial (Default) highlighted as the selected template, and Open being selected.

  1. In the Modification window, select the Trip column heading.

A portion of the table in the Modification window, with the Trip column heading selected and highlighted in blue.

  1. In the ribbon, Columns and Rows panel, expand Insert Column and select Left of Selected.

A new column is added to both sides of the panel schedule template.

  1. Use grips to adjust the column widths.

A portion of the table in the Modification window, with the new columns added and the column widths being adjusted.

  1. Highlight the new column on the left side of the template.
  2. From the ribbon, Cells tab, click Edit Borders.
  3. In the Edit Borders dialog box, under Cell, select Outside and Inside.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Highlight the new column on the right side of the template and repeat steps 16 – 18.
  6. Select a blank data cell from one of the new columns.
  7. In the ribbon, from the list of available parameters in the drop-down, choose Number of Elements.

A portion of the Revit ribbon and Modification window, with the Add Parameter drop-down open and Number of Elements selected, and one of the cells from the new left-side column highlighted in red as having been selected.

All data fields in both new columns autofill.

  1. Edit the column heads to read “Number of Connected Elements”.
  2. Select the column heading text.
  3. From the Text panel, select Horizontally Align > Center and Vertically Align > Bottom.
  4. Select the text again.
  5. Click Edit Font.
  6. Select Bold.
  7. Click OK.

A portion of the Revit ribbon and Modification window, with the Edit Font button on the ribbon highlighted in red, and the Edit Font dialog box open in front of the table, with the font set to Arial, Bold, and black and OK being selected.

  1. From the ribbon, click Set Template Options.
  2. In General Settings, under Number of slots shown, select Variable based on max number of single pole breakers.

The Set Template Options dialog, with the radio button of the Variable based on max number of single pole breakers option selected.

  1. Optionally, explore the Circuit Table and Loads Summary options.
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the ribbon, click Finish Template.

To apply the new template to the project:

  1. From the ribbon, click Change Template.
  2. In the Change Template dialog box, choose the Branch Panel Commercial template.

The Change Template dialog box open in front of the Modification window, with the Branch Panel Commercial (Default) template highlighted as selected, and OK being clicked.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Read the message and click Yes. The new template is applied.

The Modification window, with the Branch Panel: LP-2 schedule open, and the new template applied.

  1. In Properties, change the maximum number of single pole breakers to 24.

A portion of the Modification window, with the Branch Panel: LP-2 schedule open and in the adjacent Properties panel, the Max Number of single pole breakers set to 24.

The panel schedule updates accordingly.

  1. Save the project.
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