Account management basics

Renew a subscription

You can set up your Autodesk product subscriptions to renew automatically, either individually or in bulk. If you are in a managed environment, renewals are performed by your contract manager, purchaser, or primary admin.

Here are a few things to know about renewing a subscription:

  • Trial subscriptions — Trial software can't be renewed or extended. To continue using the product, you need to buy a subscription. See Convert a trial to a subscription for more information.
  • Expired subscriptions — You can’t restart expired subscriptions. To renew access to software and services, get a new subscription online.
  • Changing a subscription term length — In some regions, you can change your subscription term (for example, from a monthly to an annual subscription) in Autodesk account or by contacting support. If neither option is available, let the original subscription expire and get a new one with a different term.
  • Manual renewals — Some subscription renewals can only be managed manually.

Renew a subscription automatically

To ensure that your renewal is successful on the renewal date, your recurring payment method must be valid and auto-renew turned on.

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. In the subscription list, select a product to open the subscription details and review the payment method on file.
  3. Click Turn Auto-renew On to ensure automatic renewal processes on the renewal date.
  4. Follow the instructions to complete the change.

Use bulk auto-renewal for multiple subscriptions

You can turn auto-renewal on for up to 100 subscriptions at once with the bulk auto-renewal feature. 

  1. Sign in to your Autodesk account.
  2. Under Billings and Orders > Subscriptions and Contracts, use search or filter to generate a selected list of subscriptions. 
  3. From the Actions menu, select Manage Auto-Renew.
  4. Choose to turn subscription auto-renew on. 
  5. Select the checkbox at the top of the list to turn subscription auto-renew on.
  6. Select Continue and follow the on-screen instructions.

Renew manually

You must renew your subscription or purchase order manually in some cases (for example, paying with Alipay, Konbini, or a wire transfer). Beginning 90 days before expiration, your renewal options are visible in Autodesk account. You are also sent an email notifying you that you can renew.


To view your available renewal options in account:

  1. Sign in to your account and click Billing and Orders > Subscriptions and Contracts.
  2. In the subscription list, select a product to see renewal options.
  3. If you have the option to renew online, click Renew. Your renewal is added to a cart, where you can review pricing and complete the purchase.

To avoid losing access to your software, renew your subscription before the expiration date.

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What level of support do you have?

Different subscription plans provide distinct categories of support. Find out the level of support for your plan.

View levels of support