Fornecer serviços BIM, em aplicações Autodesk, para órgãos públicos e privados, tanto nos serviços de Infraestrutura quanto nos serviços de Edificações, visando melhorar a gestão da administração através de melhores práticas de projetos de engenharia e arquitetura. Consultoria BIM: Customizamos processo BIM, levando em consideração particularidades de cada cliente, com base nas melhores práticas do mercado para obter os melhores resultados. Treinamentos BIM: Criamos um pacote de treinamentos EaDs para equipes que ainda não tiveram contato com o processo BIM. Consiste em um ciclo de treinamento de todo o processo BIM, permeando nas principais áreas da arquitetura e engenharia, simulando o processo real de projetos. Aplicativos BIM: Personalizamos processos repetitivos de sua equipe com o objetivo de aumentar a produtividade. Dispomos de uma equipe de profissionais experientes em soluções Autodesk.
ArcelorMittal adota coleções Autodesk para otimização de processos e produtividade
O Grupo ArcelorMittal é líder mundial na produção de aço e também um dos maiores em mineração. A ArcelorMittal Brasil opera na produção de aços no país com plantas industriais em seis estados. Produz aços longos e planos de alta qualidade para indústrias automobilísticas, de eletrodomésticos, embalagens, construção civil e naval. Também atua em mineração, geração de energia, produção de biorredutor renovável e tecnologia da informação.Seu maior desafio na engenharia era adotar soluções mais robustas que simplificassem os processos e reduzissem o número de fabricantes de softwares.
A Ciplan tem mais de 50 anos de história e vem contribuindo com a construção do país, priorizando a sustentabilidade e o compromisso com a qualidade. Seu portfólio inclui cimento, agregados, argamassas e serviços de concretagem, buscando atender aos mais variados tipos de obra e sempre priorizando a funcionalidade e as necessidades de seus clientes.Ao longo da história, a Ciplan vem crescendo e fortalecendo sua marca no mercado e, para possibilitar e manter este crescimento, precisa se preparar tecnologicamente para o futuro visando a produtividade e a otimização de processos internos e da cadeia de valor.Os produtos Autodesk são ideais para auxiliar com os desafios da empresa Ciplan que sempre busca melhores práticas de trabalho além da otimização na fabricação dos seus produtos. O processo de uso das ferramentas Autodesk PD&M, que incluem o Autodesk AutoCAD, o Autodesk Vault e o Autodesk Inventor, se adequam à missão, visão e valores da empresa, melhorando a qualidade dos insumos.
A Comissão de Aeroportos da Região Amazônica (COMARA) tem como missão projetar, construir e recuperar aeroportos em áreas remotas da Amazônia Legal e em outras regiões do país de interesse do Comando da Aeronáutica, contribuindo para a soberania nacional e o progresso sustentável. A COMARA se destaca pela sua excelência profissional e tecnológica, eficiência logística e gestão ética dos recursos públicos, bem como pela sua capacidade de superar os desafios na Amazônia.Em 2020, a COMARA abraçou a implementação do BIM como um novo desafio em seus projetos de aeroportos. Para tanto, a Comissão adquiriu da Pro-Systems licenças da AEC Collection e a equipe técnica da COMARA começou a desenvolver projetos aeroportuários usando o BIM. Para aproveitar ao máximo a solução adquirida, a contratação incluiu serviços de consultoria oferecidos pela Pro-Systems para o desenvolvimento de um Projeto Piloto.
Small (2-20 employees)
Specialized partners have met Autodesk’s base standards for certified staff capacity, capabilities, and performance in delivering on desired customer outcomes within an industry segment.
Expert (high) and Elite (highest) expertise levels differentiate partners with proven customer success, service delivery excellence, and platform services expertise within an industry segment.
Building Architecture
Building Architecture specialized partners are focused on Autodesk solutions and services to optimize building design through improved team collaboration, improved data handover, reduced overall design time and increased workload capacity.
Water Infrastructure
Water Infrastructure specialized partners are focused on solutions including hydraulic modeling and cloud technologies that drive efficiency and sustainability across all phases of the water asset lifecycle.
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP)
Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing (MEP) specialized partners help customers optimize Autodesk BIM solutions to improve productivity, design and fabricate better building systems, create model-based project estimates, and efficiently add MEP components to designs.
Transportation Infrastructure
Transportation Infrastructure specialized partners help designers, engineers, and contractors use intelligent, connected BIM (Building Information Modeling) workflows to make infrastructure projects including bridges, tunnels, railway, roads, and highways more resilient, productive, and profitable.
These Autodesk Solutions have been identified by the Partner as solutions that they have expertise with and can support through their services organization.
Accreditation helps educate, measure, and recognize our partners and their consultants for investing in customer success practices and services delivery. Accreditation is earned by completing a knowledge check on the topic, delivering the service to a customer, and having a positive review on the service delivery.
Civil 3D Starter Pack
How to implement Civil 3D on infrastructure projects
InfraWorks Starter Pack
The InfraWorks Starter Pack helps you employ a BIM approach to designing roads for conceptual and preliminary design phases, covering the full breadth of road design capabilities within InfraWorks.
Revit (Architecture) Starter Pack
How to implement Revit on building projects.
Revit (Structure) Starter Pack
Implement Revit on model authoring, drawing production, and design review projects.
Revit Starter Pack (MEP)
Implement Revit on building projects, including MEP functions of model management.
Revit Starter Pack (General)
Common functions of model management in Revit for all projects and disciplines.
Technical Support Accreditation
Partner Technical Support Representatives learn to build customer-centric behaviors by connecting with their customers and creating positive defining moments that will drive customer loyalty.
Consulting Implementation Framework Workshop Overview
Provides the skills and techniques to drive effective customer engagement and service delivery through a systematic approach to consulting.
Project Management Workshop Overview
Adds skills and techniques specific to project management that help drive effective customer engagement and service delivery.
Coordinated Discovery Workshop Overview
Adds skills and techniques around discovery practices that help drive effective customer engagement and service delivery.
Revit Technical Capability
Empowers the partner with the knowledge and sources to successfully provide product support for Revit.
Contact Partner Finder for help using the online search tool and more. The Autodesk Assistant can help with Autodesk products, answer questions, or send you to an agent.
Partner Finder Terms of Use
By accessing and using Partner Finder, you acknowledge and agree to the following Additional Terms as referenced in the Website Terms of Use: (i) Partner Finder may be modified, updated, interrupted, limited, suspended, or discontinued at any time without notice or liability; (ii) any query or request for information regarding a specific provider or provider services may be forwarded to that provider, however Autodesk in its discretion may retain a record to conduct business analytics to improve Partner Finder and other Autodesk products and services; (iii) Autodesk has no obligation to enforce any terms on your behalf against another user; and (iv) any feedback you provide in connection with a provider, including ratings or reviews, is a non-confidential “Submission” as defined in the Website Terms of Use. You are advised to conduct your own independent analysis and assessment of any information provided by or though Partner Finder, including whether a selected provider is appropriate for your particular circumstances. Without limiting the Website Terms of Use, Autodesk does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any service advertised or offered by a provider through Partner Finder or any hyperlinked website or service. Autodesk is not liable for the content of this site, or for the consequences of any actions you may take based on information provided by, or through, this site. You release Autodesk and its affiliates and subsidiaries from all liability arising from your use of Partner Finder, including any hyperlinked website, service, or content.
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This page has been translated for your convenience using a machine translation service. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation; however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace human translators. As a result, this translation may contain errors and inaccuracies. Autodesk provides no warranties, either express or implied, about the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the machine translation and disclaims all liability for any losses or damages caused by, or resulting from your reliance on, this translation. The English version of this website is the official version.