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News from AU
October 1, 2022

Connect to Transform: AU 2022 Concludes


Transformation is something we do together. It happens by way of connection and collaboration. Each company—and each individual—is on a unique transformation journey, but it’s not a journey we take in isolation. We can magnify the impact of our own innovations and creativity in community with others. As Steve Blum said in the Day 2 General Session, “Transformation is a team sport.”

AU 2022 wrapped up after three days of learning, connection, and inspiration. It was the first in-person AU in three years, with over 10,000 people in New Orleans, and more than 30,000 others online. In all, more than 160 countries were represented by industry professionals from architecture to engineering, construction to manufacturing, media and entertainment, and more.  

There were more than 450 classes on diverse industry topics, from sustainability and convergence to automation and generative design. We debuted Leadership Workshops for decision makers to explore how they can transform their businesses. We heard about what’s ahead for our industries. We learned about the trends and technologies that are driving change. And we reconnected with likeminded peers and our professional community. We explored how we can do better and make better—as people, as companies, and as industries in the midst of transformation.

The conference is over, but the journey continues. Thanks to everyone who made it to New Orleans for the week, and to all who joined with the Digital Pass. The digital experience will remain available for a few more weeks—so you can still watch any of the main stage events, industry sessions, Theater talks, and on-demand classes. We’ll be adding recorded versions of the 450+ classes on the AU site soon.

Until then, thanks for coming together to transform and for being part of this community.