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News from AU
October 30, 2020

Learning at AU 2020: Live and On Demand

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AU 2020 is just around the corner—four days of learning, connection, and inspiration, November 17-20. With the new digital format this year, you might have a few questions about how learning will happen and how to plan your conference week.

There are two important points to note. First, although registration for the conference is required, you don't need to sign up for individual classes. Second, most classes are available on demand, supported by live class Q&As. That means you can watch full classes anywhere, anytime starting November 17. Certain classes have an associated live Q&A at a scheduled time. During the live class Q&A, you can ask questions and interact with the speaker. Let’s get into the details.

On-demand sessions 

We’ll have 750+ new AU classes available on demand starting November 17. There’s no need to sign up for these classes individually. They’ll be available globally, with subtitles in English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, German, and Russian.

Live sessions 

Don't miss the live sessions happening during AU 2020. Class Q&As are live 60-minute sessions that support a specific on-demand class. During the live class Q&A, the speaker will answer attendee questions, but will not be teaching the class (that's the on-demand session). You can watch the on-demand session before or after the Q&A. You’ll be able to submit questions via chat and speakers will answer live. Missed a click in a workflow? Want to know how to apply what you’re learning to a specific project you’re working on? Get answers during the live class Q&A. Attendance is unlimited and there’s no need to sign up.

Panels are live sessions featuring a group of experts discussing a specific topic, sharing their experiences, and exchanging ideas on how to get the best results. Some panels will take questions from attendees via chat while others will be facilitated discussions among panelists. Attendance is unlimited and there's no need to sign up.

Roundtables are live moderated discussions among attendees on a certain topic or issue, led by the speaker. As an attendee you'll have a chance to speak, or just listen if you prefer. Roundtables will be capped at 75 attendees, and they’re first-come, first-served—so arrive early.

An interactive schedule of live events will be available as we approach the conference. Until then, you can search classes by topic, title, speaker, and more. Remember to register for the conference and stay tuned for more details.