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2D + 3D: Get the Best of Both with AutoCAD and Inventor

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You don't have time to learn 3D modeling? All your legacy data is 2D? Your customers demand 2D drawings from you? You know that there is a better way to get your work done, and help your colleagues downstream—but you’re under too much pressure to spend time working this out? Well, 2D and 3D workflows don't have to be mutually exclusive. Your best option could be a combination of both. You can have the flexibility of 2D AutoCAD software when you need it, and the automation power of Inventor software when you're ready. In this presentation, we'll see how you can move from 2D to 3D at your own rate. We'll show you how to reuse your legacy 2D data in a 3D workflow, and how to repurpose your 3D data as 2D drawings for your customers. AutoCAD and Inventor work better together, for 2D + 3D workflows.

Key Learnings

  • Discover how to reuse AutoCAD 2D data inside Inventor.
  • Discover how to reference 2D AutoCAD drawings into Inventor as a design reference.
  • Discover how to bring 2D data from Inventor back into AutoCAD.
  • Discover how Inventor DWG drawings can be opened directly in AutoCAD, or converted into 2D AutoCAD DWG format.