Key Learnings
- Learn about highlights from recent releases
- Hear from Revit Product Managers about the future of Revit
- Ask questions about the Revit product roadmap
- What you WON'T learn is "when" new features and functionalities will be available - sorry but you know the rules.
- HBHarlan BrummHarlan Brumm is a Senior Product Line Manager at Autodesk. He has over 24 years of experience in the AEC and software industry, He began his career at Autodesk in 2006 in Product Support, progressing to become a Product Manager for Revit Architecture. He is currently responsible for the product management of Revit's core capabilities and collaboration services. When he isn't talking about Revit, or listening to Revit users, he is spending time with his family, cooking them BBQ or enjoying time camping.