Key Learnings
- Learn about the capabilities and functionality of factory assets.
- Review the top techniques used to maximize the factory asset functionality.
- Discover the pitfalls and problems users often have while developing factory assets.
- Charles BelcherRusty Belcher is a manufacturing application expert and senior consultant with IMAGINiT Technologies. He provides implementation, training, and support services for all Autodesk, Inc. manufacturing products. Rusty specializes in integrating 3D design practices into manufacturing production environments. He also works with reality capture laser scanning and photogrammetry to document real-world objects, translating them into viable 3D CAD designs. As an outstanding instructor and mentor, Rusty consistently receives excellent reviews for his impact at IMAGINiT Technologies. Rusty began his career as a structural steel fitter at Newport News Shipbuilding. He is a graduate of the Newport News Shipbuilding Apprentice School and worked in the shipyard's Mold Loft Engineering Division. Since joining IMAGINiT Technologies in 2000, Rusty has been dedicated to supporting the Autodesk Manufacturing solutions. In recent years, his primary focus has been on the Autodesk Factory Design Utilities. Rusty collaborated directly with Autodesk to develop and author the original Factory Design Suite software training courseware and has created numerous tips and tutorial videos available on the Factory Design Suite software’s YouTube channel. He is also a regular presenter at the acclaimed Autodesk University, where he frequently receives outstanding reviews.