Overall, throughout the last couple of years, many architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry companies have started to take a serious look at diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives. While there have been many positive strides to increasing diversity, how have we been doing with improving inclusion in the industry? This session will consist of a panel of industry professionals in construction and technology who’ll share their perspectives and insights on how inclusion and belonging will bridge the diversity gap. The topics will include why building a sense of community and belonging is essential in any DE&I initiative, and the steps you can take to cultivate a culture of equity and inclusion. The panelists will take us through their journeys and share stories of leading DE&I initiatives in their organizations and communities. We’ll also discuss how to overcome challenges faced when creating safe spaces where minorities, especially women of color, can feel a sense of belonging.
Key Learnings
- Learn why the feeling of belonging is the essence of inclusion.
- Learn how to cultivate inclusion by connecting with people in a social and professional way.
- Learn how to overcome challenges of driving change through inclusion and belonging.
- Learn about the importance of inclusion in the workplace through the experiences of others.
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