Key Learnings
- Learn how to use mParticles software, and become familiar with its operators
- Learn how to build structures suitable for destruction with the PhysX engine
- Discover binding and breaking particles with the mParticles Glue test
- Learn how to skin geometry to particles using the Particle Skinner Modifier
- ATAnselm Von Seherr-ThossAnselm Von Seherr-Thoss is an award-winning visual effects technical director and Visual Effects Society (VES) member whose emphasis is on particle-based effects, as well as fluid simulations, shading, and post-production. He was the 2013 Autodesk Artist of the Year and of the Month (July 2013). He has worked on such films as Transformers: Age of Extinction, James Cameron's Avatar, Star Trek into Darkness, The Expendables 3, Northmen: A Viking Saga, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, The A-Team, 21 Jump Street, Beautiful Creatures (R&D), Ridley Scott's Robin Hood, Priest, Sucker Punch (previz), Dragonball Evolution, The Tree of Life (R&D), Clash of the Titans (3D conversion), The Flight Before Christmas, Löewenzahn, Angel Camouflaged, and The Big Year, as well as numerous commercials and music videos. He has consulted on visual effects for Gulliver's Travels, Skyline, Moving Day (short film), Il Sogno del Maratoneta, and Battle of Vienna. He is also an author for 3DArtist Magazine.