Key Learnings
- Discover this enhancement and how Inventor now handles the importing and translation of other 2D/3D files.
- Discover the difference between Reference and Convert Model.
- Discover formats that AnyCAD can import, and discuss Fusion 360, Inventor backwards compatibility referencing file(s), and DWG Underlay.
- Look at the Object tab (load model/status, demo IPT, assemblies, step files for Inventor, and deriving to an IPT).
- Michael DavisMichael Davis is currently a mechanical engineer, based in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is also the owner of YCG Inc. www.YourCad.Guru, where he provides all levels of support, training, installation, plus tips, tricks, and updates for various Autodesk, Inc., products. Davis has been working as a mechanical engineer/design engineer for over 25 years. As well as being an engineer, he was also a CAD manager, CAD support, and instructor at some of his past places of employment. Davis has been using Autodesk products for the mass majority of his careers. He’s a former Autodesk support employee. He’s also part of the Autodesk Expert Elite program, helping on various different forums in both English and German. This is his third year speaking at Autodesk University..
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