Key Learnings
- Learn how parts and assemblies work together.
- Learn how to develop skills in sketching.
- Develop skills in creating and modifying features.
- Learn how constraints work.
- Leo WarrenLeo Warren is a maker, designer, CAD geek, Hardware geek, community enthusiast, and a student based in the East Midlands, UK. Leo started his journey into CAD with Inventor 2017 and has been hooked ever since which gave him the edge in his design course. Whilst the design course has finished, the will and joy to design have to lead him to engage further with the community. This, in turn, has lead him to collaborate further with the education side as an Autodesk Student Ambassador and Ambassador Diamond as a key contributor to the Autodesk Ambassador Hub. When Leo is not designing or making you will find him kayaking or out and about climbing.
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