Years ago I began exploring the possibilities of creating the classical orders of architecture in Revit software. Parametric families are the cornerstones of Revit software, and this project presented an ideal way to push Family Editor to its limits. Challenges were many, but there were plenty of successes as well. This session is part case study (of the journey I took from the original idea all the way to the publication of a book) and part tutorial (to show the 'nuts and bolts' of how we built the software families), all demonstrated directly in Revit software. In this session I'll talk about scaling, content reuse, profiles, moldings, formulas, nested components, and complex forms in both the traditional and adaptive component Family Editors. I'll show the final successful versions and a few not-so-successful earlier versions as well. If you're interested in historic architecture and/or classical form, or you just like pushing Family Editor to extremes, then this session is sure to please.
Key Learnings
- Learn how to use Revit software to emulate historic architecture
- Understand how to create traditional forms in the family editor
- Learn how to componentize your families: reuse the parts and pieces
- Learn how to use formulas and other advanced techniques to build complex families