Maybe you know the power of Revit software's Family Editor but you've avoided it or it has intimidated you until now. Wait no more. This hands-on lab will introduce you to the basics of Family Editor. Once you get past being intimidated, you will find that while Family Editor is extremely powerful, it can actually be great fun. In this short introduction to Family Editor, you will create a Revit component family complete with constraints and parameters. Don't worry if you don't know what a constraint or parameter is we'll cover that too. Whether you've never worked in Revit software before, or you've used Revit software for a while but you've simply avoided Family Editor, this lab will teach you the basics of the editor in the most effective way possible hands on. (The session uses architectural examples, but the concepts apply to the flavors of Revit software, including Revit LT software.)
Key Learnings
- Create a simple, fully parametric model family
- Learn how to use reference planes, constraints, and parameters
- Learn how to nest components and set up a parametric array
- Learn how to apply materials and other accoutrements
- Paul AubinPaul F. Aubin is the author of many Revit book titles including his "deep dive" into the Revit family editor: Renaissance Revit. He has also authored dozens of Revit video training titles on LinkedIn Learning (powered by content) covering all levels of Revit, Dynamo and ReCap. Paul is an independent architectural consultant providing content creation, implementation, and training services. His career of over 30 years, includes experience in design, production, BIM management, coaching, reality capture and training. Paul is an active member of the Autodesk user community and has been a top-rated speaker at AU and other industry conferences for many years. Paul is an Autodesk Expert Elite and the founder of ChiNamo; the Chicago Dynamo Community. He was recently named a member of the board of directors for the Volterra-Detroit Foundation. He lives in Chicago with his wife and their three children are currently pursuing their careers around the country.