Key Learnings
- Explain what AutoCAD Sync is and when and how to use it
- Explain what the Autodesk 360 web and mobile app is and when and how to use it
- BSBud SchroederBud Schroeder is a Senior Test Engineer for Autodesk Inc. since 1997. Before joining Autodesk, Bud was a CAD Manager/IT Manager in Northern California and started using AutoCAD with version 2.6. Before using AutoCAD, but worked on a drafting table and is also a Graphic Artist. Some of Bud's designs can still be found in Hallmark stores. Bud currently works on the Autodesk 360 Team and his functions include running the BETA Programs, managing the customer feedback portal, and also as a Senior Test Engineer. But has been attending AUGI since it was NAAUG back in 1991
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