Key Learnings
- Learn how a virtual mockup can replace a physical mockup
- Learn how virtual reality can be used for design optimisation
- Learn how to link parametric design models to virtual reality experiences
- Discover multiple ways of creating virtual reality models
- CPChris Van Der PloegChris van der Ploeg is a structural engineer and computational design specialist for ABT Consulting Engineers, a multidisciplinary engineering firm based in the Netherlands. Chris is heavily devoted to helping advance the use of computational design in daily practice, not limited to the field of structural design only. He has a strong interest in new digital technologies as amongst others virtual reality and he is constantly looking for opportunities to integrate new technologies in design projects. He is especially interested in the field of parametric design and optimisation strategies that help to increase insight into complex projects and achieve more efficient solutions. He regularly shares his knowledge in meetings and conferences and has published on the subjects of BIM, parametric design, and optimisation.
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