AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Generative Design of Landforms with Dynamo in Civil 3D

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In the first part of this session, we will create an associative parametric model to introduce fundamental concepts that underpin computational design while exploring visual programming in Dynamo software. The model will be enhanced by parameters retrieved from AutoCAD software and Civil 3D objects. We will show how to organize and export a point cloud representing the landform and link into Civil 3D. There we will integrate this landform as a triangulated irregular network (TIN) model into the model of the existing environment and perform several analyses, including grading, stormwater, and cut/fill balance. Based on this analysis, we will optimize the parametric model. As the model is dynamically linked, we can check the improvement immediately in Civil 3D and iterate the process easily. We will also show how to use Dynamo to link landforms created by designers as NURBS with TIN surfaces that engineers can use.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Learn how to import elements from Civil 3D into Dynamo and extract parameters from these elements.
  • Learn how to create landforms driven by parameters and formulas inside Dynamo, and how to export the landforms through point lists.
  • Learn how to import the point list into Civil 3D, and create and analyze the TIN surface.
  • Learn how to establish a workflow for an iterative design process with Dynamo and Civil 3D.