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July 2, 2020

Share Your Knowledge in Your Preferred Language at AU 2020—Submit Proposals by July 9

Flags of the world

We’re excited about AU 2020. This year’s global digital conference will enable the AU learning community to come together in new ways. We’ll be sharing knowledge and learning in multiple languages. In effect, AU 2020 will be both global and local at the same time.

Call for Proposals in now closed for English language submissions in North America. Thanks to all who participated. We’re still accepting proposals in non-English languages or from those who reside outside North America until July 9. We have dedicated CFP pages for German, Japanese, French, Chinese (simplified), Spanish, and Russian. You can submit proposals in additional languages using the English language CFP form. For example, if you want to teach a class in Portuguese, use the English form and fill it out in Portuguese.

Remember that you can teach the same class in more than one language if you think there’s an audience for both. Submit a separate proposal in the appropriate language for each class. Share the news with your colleagues and broader professional network.

AU is about learning through community. Sharing knowledge in multiple languages gives us new possibilities to connect with those in our communities and move our industries forward. Stay tuned for additional updates, and thanks for being part of AU.




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