
20 min.

Exporting BIM Data from Autodesk Revit and Importing in Autodesk Advance Steel

Module overview

Autodesk Revit is the software that most Structural Engineers and Designers prefer to design structural BIM data. However, the steel detailers prefer Advance Steel to detail and document structural design because of the smart set of detailing and documentation tools in it. In this module, you learn how to get Revit ready to exchange structural BIM data with Advance Steel. You then export the structural BIM data from Revit. Finally, you import the structural BIM data into Advance Steel.

This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. By the end of the module, you should be able to:

  • Get Revit ready for BIM data exchange with Advance Steel 
  • Export your structural BIM data Revit 
  • Import the structural BIM data into Advance Steel 

About the author

This module was created by Deepak Maini.

Before you start

Module downloads

These downloadable resources will be used to complete units in this module:

Module outline

  • Introduction