AU Class
AU Class
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From Add-in Prototype to App Store Page: Publishing and Scaling a Fusion 360 Add-in

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    In this class, we'll cover tips and tricks for publishing and scaling apps in the Autodesk App Store, as learned by the developers of the Bommer add-in for Fusion 360 software. Specifically, we'll cover preparing your app for deployment (including UX considerations), handling installation and user registration, saving and retrieving generated content (for example, files), monitoring for issues, and engaging with your user community. We'll dive deep into the Fusion 360 API to look at what's provided and what we had to build in order to deploy or add in. We'll also cover some traps we fell into while building Bommer, and how we got ourselves out of them. This class will be accessible to all skill levels of programmers and engineers/CAD managers who want to develop and publish add-ins. Some programming experience will be required to understand a few technical details, but much of the class will be understandable to nonprogrammers.

    Key Learnings

    • Learn how to build, test, and install an add-in into Fusion 360
    • Learn how to use the Fusion 360 API to access user information
    • Learn how to monitor for crashes and bugs within your add-in
    • Learn how to engage effectively with your user community