Key Learnings
- 1. Create an elevated transportation track using Civil 3D and InfraWorks.
- 2. Animate parts of the visualization model using 3ds Max for better communication.
- 3. Identify the main topics to consider for creating a convincing visualization.
- 4. Export and use data for a high-end visualization through 3ds Max, use 3D model for VR/AR solutions.
- Mantas SmidtasMantas is an expert in BIM and 3D design technologies with more than 20 years' experience in the AEC industry. In his current role as a senior BIM implementation consultant, Mantas specializes in helping customers build workflows that integrate BIM, GIS, 3D modelling and visualization around tools including ACC, Revit, Civil 3D, InfraWorks, Recap, and 3ds Max. Mantas has worked across diverse industries throughout his career, including road, rail, and airport infrastructure, urban design, energy, buildings, and media and entertainment. He brings an extensive cross-industry knowledge to all his engagements, allowing him to connect inter-industry components of major projects and cross-pollinate solutions from other industries.
- CZClaudia ZehClaudia Zeh works as a Senior Implementation Consultant with Autodesk Consulting, based in Germany. With over 15 years working in the geospatial domain, she brings extensive experience from working on different types of infrastructure projects with customers in the area of AEC, construction, rail industry and utilities. With her broad technological background from designing and developing solutions, database management, requirements specifications, she provides consulting services to customers around the Autodesk Infrastructure and Autodesk Construction portfolio covering workflow assessment, customization and solution implementation.
CLAUDIA ZEH: Welcome to this class. In this session, my colleague Mantas and myself will present possible ways to generate the different levels of visualization to improve communication for transportation projects. My name is Claudia Zeh. I work as an implementation consultant and have been with Autodesk Consulting since 2005. With more than 15 years experience in GIS and the geospatial domain, my focus lies in helping AC customers deploy Autodesk tools for workflow and solution development around infrastructure projects.
MANTAS SMIDTAS: Good day, everyone. My name is Mantas Smidtas. I'm a senior implementation consultant and have been working as consultant since last year. I have more than 15 years experience in GIS, BIM, and 3D design technologies. I'm specializing in integrating GIS, BIM, 3D modeling, and visualization around tools, including Civil 3D, InfraWorks, 3ds Max, Revit, and BIM360. I have diverse experience to engagement from a background in rail, road, airport, urban design, building, and media and entertainment. With this, I will hand over back to Claudia.
CLAUDIA ZEH: The content of this session is based on a project we worked on together with Max Bogl, a German construction and infrastructure company. Max Bogl designed a fully automated urban mobility solution, the Transport System Bogl. As it is a new transport system, an important part of the building and early design phase is to generate convincing visualizations representing the design track and explaining the system.
This class will highlight the main steps of the solution, the creation of the track and the 3D visualization model using InfraWorks and Civil 3D, the workflow how to create enhanced visualizations based on this model by animating specific parts using 3ds Max, the aspects that needs to be considered when creating a convincing visualization, and how this model and data can be used with VR/AR solutions.
Before looking on the technical solution, we'd like to give a bit of background information about Max Bogl and the new transport system. Max Bogl is one of the largest construction companies in the German construction industry with many years of experience and competence in high precision precast concrete construction.
One of the key characteristics is innovation in research and technology to develop new solutions including topics such as renewable energies, urbanization, mobility, and infrastructure. The Max Bogl group has already been involved in magnetic train technology for over 20 years. The development of the TSB began in 2010. It is a future-oriented, local transport system, and as it is based on magnetic levitation or maglev technology, the system is quiet and flexible while also saving space and lowering emissions.
The main emphasis of the system lies on providing a sustainable solution of a transport system for densely populated areas. It's intended for shorter distances. So for example, it could be used to close the gap between a larger rail station and an industrial park.
Another important aspect is that the whole solution is from one source. As a turnkey supplier, Max Bogl is responsible for the planning, for the industrial manufacturing of the track and vehicle, and the construction measures. This is as well resource and cost efficient, which makes it possible for the infrastructure project to be completed in a short time.
The TSB is a driverless passenger transport system and is designed to go on a speed of 150 kilometers per hour. The first demo trek has been built in China. It's a construction of 3.5 kilometers demonstration track, the picture on the lower right-hand side. For the construction, Max Bogl works together with a partner in China, but all components have been delivered from Germany. Also, the vehicle, for example, as you can see on the top image.
Another big step was in summer 2020 when the German Federal Railway Authority has given assurance that the core components comply with requirements and are eligible for approval. Still, as it is new transport system, Max Bogl needs to do persuasive work to convince huge clients of the new system.
When the Max Bogl TSB team approached Autodesk a couple of years ago, the main ask was to support in finding a quick way for creating early design visualizations. There were really two main asks, finding a quick way to generate the TSB track design in context of the existing environment. The emphasis here mainly lies on quick with not too much effort. Especially for the bidding phase, it is important to be able to quickly generate a model containing the existing environment to be able to show where new TSB track will be planned.
The other requirement was to generate a realistic visualization of the lightweight track. As the way how the track is designed is an important part of the whole system solution, the Max Bogl TSB team placed importance on the ability of being able to exactly show this in the visualization model.
When we, Autodesk Consulting, started with the first project with the TSB team to find a solution answering these two main asks, we introduced the InfraWorks Civil Structure Design. InfraWorks is a tool that allows to create models with large extent to show the design and context of the existing environment.
With the model builder which is part of InfraWorks, it is possible to create existing condition models quite quickly. You define a boundary of your area of interest and will get a model containing terrain data, ground images, buildings, roads, railing, auto network. It leverages publicly available data. This is very handy. The level of detail or quality depends on the data that is shared publicly. Still, this is a very quick way to start with your base model, and then it's really up to you to add or replace data with better quality data.
For the track design, you can either start with designing the track directly in InfraWorks, or you can import the track from Civil 3D, which has the benefit of allowing a more precise design of the alignment and profile. In importing a Civil 3D alignment, you also benefit from the possibility to update the track in InfraWorks automatically by refreshing the Civil 3D's data source. With this step, you'll have defined how the routing of tracks planned in the model.
Now for the actual visualization of the TSB track, you make use of the InfraWorks bridge design capabilities. The InfraWorks bridge is based on parametric model components, which can be highly customized using Inventor. InfraWorks already contains a library of ready to use bridge components, but in this case as it was important to exactly generate a model that reflects the TSB track design, we generated custom models, for example, for the piers and for the girders, that reflect the actual TSB.
Now in this slide, we see some examples of the generated models. On the left side, we see pictures taken from the TSB test track at the Max Bogl's headquarter in Sengenthal. On the right slide is the images taken from sample InfraWorks models showing a pier, the elevated track, and the TSB vehicle on the track. The important part of the TSB track is to show that it's not a complete concrete slab but allows sunlight to pass through, which is critical in already densely populated areas and an important part of the lightweight track design.
These are additional sample images taken from InfraWorks models. With InfraWorks daylight analysis, it's easy to generate visualizations that show, for example, the shadowing. So for this part, the main emphasis lied on how to generate the InfraWorks model and the custom Inventor components to best visualize the designed TSB track.
After successfully creating these visualization models, the Max Bogl TSB team decided to take the next steps towards generating enhanced visualizations including animations. Max Bogl developed a new variation of the TSB transport system, the TSB Cargo. Using the same maglev technology, TSB Cargo is a sustainable, low-emission system for moving containers.
The basic technology and structure is the same as for the TSB Passenger System, lightweight track, driverless transportation system. But with this TSB Cargo, it became even more obvious how important it is to be able to visually explain the system in action when talking to potential clients who are interested to understand all details.
So based on the TSB track visualization generated with InfraWorks, we worked together with the Max Bogl TSB team to share best practice how to generate animation. With this, I will hand over to my colleague, Mantas, who will give some insight into the enhanced visualization part.
MANTAS SMIDTAS: Thank you, Claudia. Based on requirements we got from client, we had to find the best possible way to visualize technical project data. We also had to gather and exhibit this data into the common data environment. Our proposed workflow through the coordination model allowed project team use all design data we collected in the early stage and reuse it again in the coming project stages where they can make higher quality visualizations, movies, or maybe can start to build interactive VR/AR games.
Max Bogl team already has experience on how to build their project in InfraWorks environment, but they don't have any experience of how to prepare and animate 3D models in the 3D Studio Max and send them back to the coordination model for creating high level of details.
To solve that, we prepared five high level workflows to help our clients to deliver more accurate technical visualization, increase visual quality in the coordination model. We also add a possibility for virtual experience. So these are five steps we propose to our client.
First one was on how we can improve existing project environment for early phase design. Step two, we investigated best practices on how to animate 3D projects in 3D Studio Max. Step three, we learn on how animate 3D objects in camera animation workflows can improve the technical presentation. Step four was about new techniques on how to increase level of detail and create higher visual quality. Step five, we investigated quick ways to generate more value by using InfraWorks and 3ds Max models.
So on first step, we looked into the existing project environment and early phase design. This workflow was about the best practices and how client can use existing national sources to build a project environment. We proposed client to answer a couple of questions before they can start building a project environment.
We ask you to think and ask yourself about data input. For example, what data sources do I have access already? Do we need or what do we need to purchase to increase the level of details in our coordination model? We asked client to think about the level of detail they need for this project from the beginning stage to the final project stage. For example, what detail do you expect to see in your final 3D model or final visualization? Do you think about the model's size and model setup? For example, which areas do you see in more detail level on your final 3D model?
Also think about what are you planning to design in the coordination model. If you need alignment, maybe you need to split two long alignments into the smaller sections. Think about other file types you need to import later to your project environment. Maybe they will be Revit structures, maybe some of these 3D elements needs to be animated to show the way it works. So the images in these slides showing how different information layers can increase your model quality.
Step two was about the best practices on how to animate 3D objects in 3D Studio Max. For this specific project, we need to understand and learn principles of animation in 3D Studio Max. We need to learn how to animate and automate the animation process for TSB models like this big cargo, this big crane, tracks, switches, and other 3D models.
We looked at TSB's structure because we understand that all models are made differently. For example, the [INAUDIBLE] 3D model was made in Inventor, SolidWorks. We had an RBG of models and 3D [INAUDIBLE] models as well. We need to understand how detail should fit the desired animation, especially if it fits the mechanical movements.
We looked into the model simplification methods, best practices to combine compound 3D elements, how to work with layers and create a model hierarchy, how to understand point of origin, existing pivot points, how to make animation process using 3ds Max after we create those.
Step three was about animated objects and camera animation workflows in 3D Studio Max. Project environment we create in the beginning of this project allow us to combine existing environment model with the animated models from 3D Studio Max. In this session, we learn how to create automated animations by adding alignment data from Civil 3D. And using several views in the 3ds Max, we can animate cargo models on the track we imported from InfraWorks. It works really great with overview animations.
We also learn how to build manual vehicle animation, which requires more steps but gives a lot of flexibility. It's very customizable. For example, if you want to make a stop, slow down, change line, or other manual animation, it's a perfect solution for that. We looked into the best way to export/import animated objects from the 3d Studio Max. We found the best way to export animation is collider file.
And finally, we investigated different camera movement techniques in InfraWorks, for example, how to create camera shots for the storyboard, what are the best angles for camera creation in InfraWorks. We investigated best practices on how to get best quality while rendering the movie you need in InfraWorks.
Here we see one of the results the Max Bogl team created after applying the different steps we just talked through. The main emphasis on this video is to explain how TSB Cargo System works at the transshipment point. When lifting a container from semi-truck and dropping onto the TSB Cargo, it perfectly shows the moving part and the flexibility of the system. It also shows how two TSB tracks can be served in the very efficient way.
Before I actually click on the Start button of the video, you will have noticed how this could be difficult to explain to someone who don't know the system very well. And this is really one of the main reasons why it can be very efficient to generate animations and get them into the InfraWorks where animations can save you a lot of time in the very complex explanations. Also, adding details like trees, buildings, high voltage lines, roads, and cars into the project environment allow Max Bogl team to create much higher quality model and video directly from InfraWorks.
I want to show another example. In this animation, the Max Bogl team has been working on a movie where they can show how the TSB car is moving along the track. Being able to control the set speed, this video demonstrates how quick the TSB Cargo can transport containers from point A to point B, especially as this scene shows the direct comparison with the driving semi-trucks on the motorway. Given a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, the TSB Cargo will be able to transport container quicker from one place to another.
Max Bogl team built this track based on the alignment they had created in Civil 3D. This alignment was imported into InfraWorks where team designed the TSB track as a component bridge element by using the Inventor girder component for the track selection. Again, all videos was created and rendered within InfraWorks. Animation of TSB track and cars on the motorway was created with 3D Studio Max and imported into InfraWorks for visualization.
Next two workflows we worked on was how Max Bogl team can create more value based on the collaboration model, the world through InfraWorks and animation they build in 3D Studio Max. So the techniques we learned enabled us to create a better level of detail. All of that allows us to work on a higher visualization level and open gates to the virtual and augmented reality. Gives us the possibility to create gaming projects as well.
We investigated the new techniques on how to increase the level of details and create a high-end visualization through InfraWorks. So we concentrated on how to set up and render scene in 3D Studio Max. We learned how materials can change quality in the way the image looks. We also investigated the best practices on how to import and align InfraWorks model into the 3ds Max scene.
Step five was about how to create more value by using InfraWorks and 3ds Max models. We built it together with the Max Bogl team. This simplified workflow show how we can create virtual and augmented reality solution by just linking our 3D model through BIM 360 to the Unity Reflect, or for example, how with just a couple extra clicks you can render a simple 360 panorama image by using Autodesk A360 solution. All these different alternatives allows our client to view their model from different perspectives.
And last point I want to discuss today is a VR/AR integration. In this example, you can see how coordination model team built in InfraWorks and 3D Studio Max can be linked directly from BIM 360 to the Unity Reflect where team can stream your 3D data as a VR or AR solution.
And in this environment, you can fly or walk through. You can share your view with others. You can communicate in the same model space. You can link your model in the environment you are surrounded. In this example, I linked my model to my tabletop, then picked the right scale, and placed my model on my table. This is the simplest way to create AR solution. So with this, I will hand over back to my colleague, Claudia.
CLAUDIA ZEH: Thank you, Mantas. Now to summarize what we covered as part of this session, during this class, we walked through the different levels of visualization. We quickly strived the early design visualization for the existing condition model and the track design by creating InfraWorks models, give insight into how animated parts can be created in 3ds Max and how to include them to the InfraWorks models to better communicate the system in action, looked on what needs to be considered and how to enhance the visualization by adding more details to the model, gave some outlook on how to generate VR/AR solutions to provide interactive solutions based on the models created before.
And by covering all this, we showed a workflow of how you can reuse the same models stepping from one level to the next. And maybe obvious, but still important, when generating the models and its components, the required level of detail is really guided by the desired level of visualization that needs to be generated as a final result.
Benefits you will gain by creating visualizations with animations and higher quality are, for example, those-- you will minimize the time needed to explain a solution compared to, for example, the extra time needed to verbally explain static images, drawings, et cetera. You reduce the potential misinterpretation when communicating a design. You can make use of animations to explain technical details of moving parts. And you can attract a bigger audience when sharing more appealing visualizations on social media. With this, we want to thank you very much for your interest in this class. Thank you.