Key Learnings
- Learn how to create your 3D model for your custom pressure network part
- Create a new custom parts catalog using Content Catalog Editor
- Discover new custom catalog and create parts list for pressure network creation
- Share your pressure network using InfraWorks 360 software
- SCShawn ChoisserShawn Choisser received his AA from Orange Coast College in California in 2002, and he is currently a senior principal pipeline designer for SPEC Services, Inc., in Fountain Valley, California. Shawn has been a pipeline designer for SPEC since 1999, providing utility coordination and pipeline relocation services for oil and gas clients. He also continually works with users in SPEC's Pipeline Design Group to customize, implement, and train on workflows in order to integrate the multiple software platforms used. Shawn has been using AutoCAD software since 1999 and he is an AutoCAD Certified Professional. He started attending Autodesk University in 2002.
- SAStephen AvonStephen received his bachelor's degree in civil engineering and his master's degree in Transportation Engineering from CSU, Pomona. He is now a lead pipeline engineer and designer for SPEC services where he primarily designs oil and gas pipelines for various clients. He started attending AU in 2012 where he has been continually inspired by the work of those around him. Stephen has brought back many concepts learned from others at AU and implemented them at SPEC services. Such concepts include pressure pipe networks, Infraworks, and 3D printing to name a few. Stephen is currently studying for his PE examination which has been a lifelong dream to attain.