Key Learnings
- Discover the key KPIs that the construction industry is being judged on.
- Discover the KPIs that really make a difference to your business goals.
- Discover how you can best impact your KPIs and incentivize your company to deliver on improving them.
- Learn the difference between leading and lagging metrics and their importance in driving continuous improvement.
- Matthew KeenMatt Keen is a Construction Industry Strategist at Autodesk. His primary remit is to identify and provide insight into the key construction markets for Autodesk and ensure that the market requirements are translated into actionable plans for the wider Autodesk team. Leading the development of Autodesk’s construction strategy, Matt’s focus is on ensuring that Autodesk’s portfolio of construction products and solutions enable their customers to achieve their desired business outcomes. He is a passionate advocate of driving digital in the Construction Industry and has previously worked with many of the UK and Europe’s largest contractors in defining their digital transformation strategies. Before Autodesk, Matt worked for the contractor Willmott Dixon and is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Building.
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