Key Learnings
- Integrate architectural and structural BIM, visualize space within the ceiling for efficient analysis of MEP planning.
- Validate and Improve data inconsistencies across multiple disciplines using ACC as part of risk management.
- Connected Revit architectural information with M&E technical calculation files for seamless cross-disciplinary collaboration.
- TATakuya AsagawaI am a Mechanical Engineer at Nikken Sekkei in Tokyo, specializing in creating sustainable and innovative environments design. With a focus on carbon-neutral designs, infection control, and advanced BIM technology, I have dedicated my career to enhancing hospital architecture in particular. In hospital design, I have focused on achieving a seamless "digital relay" for the complex design process, thereby improving design efficiency. My expertise extends beyond healthcare, encompassing the design of biohazard facilities, lithium-ion battery factories, offices, broadcast studios, and airports. My diverse experience reflects a commitment to excellence and adaptability across various sectors.
- LILisa IshiharaWith over six years at Autodesk, she specializes in empowering enterprise customers to fully leverage Autodesk's AEC solutions, including BIM 360, ACC, Revit, and Navisworks. With a strong background in architecture, she previously designed mid to high-rise residential buildings at architectural firms. Her unique blend of technical expertise and practical experience enables her to provide invaluable support and insights to clients navigating the complexities of modern design and construction.
- KTKeishiro TachiI am an environmental engineer and facade engineer at Nikken Sekkei. I am engaged in advanced environmental design by utilizing BIM and environmental simulation. With my long experience as an MEP engineer at Nikken Sekkei, I connect designers and engineers to design sustainable and attractive buildings. In the same way, I propose the use of BIM to improve the design process and overall design quality by connecting multiple sections.
TAKUYA ASAGAWA: Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for coming to our session. We would like to introduce speakers for this session. My name is Asagawa. I'm a mechanical engineer belonging to Nikken Sekkei in Tokyo.
KEISHIRO TACHI: Hello, everyone. My name is Tachi. I'm facade and environmental engineer at Nikken Sekkei.
TAKUYA ASAGAWA: Now, three of us would like to begin our session. We hope this session will be a good time for all of you. Let me take a minute introduce Nikken Sekkei. A lot of you here may not know us.
Nikken Sekkei was founded in 1900, having a history of more than 124 years. Number was up to about 2,500. Group totals about 3,200.
We design a range of projects globally and in Japan. On the left here is the Tokyo Skytree, which is the tallest structure in Japan and the third tallest in the world. In the middle is a project [INAUDIBLE] in China. This is typical of our international work. We were just wrapping up construction on this paper of towers in Dubai on the right, which are linked by this cantilevered bridge.
To give you a perspective on your scale, we are ranked second in the world fee income in the WA 100 for 2024. In terms of number of architects, we generally rank among the top five architectural firms globally. If a branch [INAUDIBLE], China, Southeast Asia, and Middle East. We also, in the middle of the construction of our first project, European project, the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona. Soccer lovers will adore this place.
Today, we are going to presentation these agendas. First, current issues. Second, seamless coordination by digital relay. Third, challenge of new technology. Fourth, future prospects.
First, current issue facing architectural design. The host will be presenting in our case study how the 2,000 rooms. There are three main issues with the current situation. First, it's very labor intensive to manually transcribe the area, with many rooms, ceiling heights, material information, and so on into technical calculations in Excel and to [INAUDIBLE] them to other software. Also, many human errors occur during the transcription process.
Second, as we experienced at COVID 19, the medical environment is constantly changing. The architecture [INAUDIBLE] must be modified accordingly. As the plans change, the calculation also change. [INAUDIBLE] working in a design that is never finished. As a result, it's not possible to ensure quality design.
Third, the verification of the achievement of carbon neutrality, which is becoming more and more important these days, is done only [INAUDIBLE] the detail design phase. In fact, we believe that verification should be conducted from the early stage of design.
What should you do? What would you do? Our proposal is to cooperate beyond each other domains. To achieve this goal, we will challenge ourselves with digital relay. It's important for everyone to become the conductor of that project and control the building information.
So what is a digital relay? The most important is to seamlessly connect design information. In other words, [INAUDIBLE] are the [INAUDIBLE] start of the future. It's important seamlessly connect the information through file-less integration rather than file-to-file integration.
In our presentation, we unveil our journey towards achieving a seamless digital relay in our complex hospital projects. The [INAUDIBLE] of a new hospital had finished in June 2021 and will be completed in December 2024. Number of floors [INAUDIBLE] above ground and two basements floors. Total floor is about 69,000 square meters. The [INAUDIBLE] structure uses a seismic isolation system, because Japan has many earthquakes.
And design concept in harmony with Japanese nature. [INAUDIBLE] was selected for sense of progress and cleanliness. And [INAUDIBLE] was used to for each department to provide a sense of healing and nature to patients and staffs. Do you like Japanese nature? I love cherry blossom. Especially, I love summer. I love beautiful coral beach. I am a diver, scuba diver. [LAUGHS]
This hospital has almost no general wards. And instead, it consists of outpatient care, clinical testing, operating [INAUDIBLE], diagnostic imaging and ICU, and so on. As any architectural designer will know, these hospital departments are some of the most complex design genre, very, very complex projects.
This is the view section of the hospital. It looks simple from the outside view, but when look at the section, you can see that is a complicated building. This model contains only architecture and structure without MAP.
Hospital are very many unique [INAUDIBLE] levels and we include that information. And with about 2,000 rooms, [INAUDIBLE] over 115,000 square meters and the three [INAUDIBLE]. You may understand that is a very dense building.
Now, it's time to introduce the subject of the session, seamless coordination through digital relays. There are our running objects for our session. First, we will introduce the use of ACC to our teams to share building information and models with each other and collaborate interactively.
Next, about collaboration with increased coordination between models and technical documentation. Finally, we will explain how XR and VR, as well as 3D models, can be used to complete design.
Well, [INAUDIBLE] building information. Until now, most of the exchange of design information has been analog paper to the CAD and BIM. Will you continue as it's not?
We started by building a design system centered on building information instead of being model-centered workflow. Building information but registered as digital data on the [INAUDIBLE], such as ACC and [INAUDIBLE]. By distributing data across departments, from there, we sought to improve information, consistency and operational efficiency.
Next, we present a case study on the use of digital relay. Here's one. This is an example work sharing [INAUDIBLE]. If any change is requested, the architects and the Revit modeler revise the design in real time from at home as well as at office.
This photo on the left side is meeting with a doctor. After [INAUDIBLE] team also revised the program and reached a consensus on the revisions with the doctor during a meeting. At the same time, we devised building information such as the [INAUDIBLE] pressure, and biosafety levels, which are important in terms of the hospital's given conditions.
All parties involved reviewed the latest data and have reached a consensus. This prevented miscommunication among the designers and reduced the number of meeting minutes. [INAUDIBLE], thereby reducing time lost in design work.
Next to case 2 about spatial adjustment. Until now, architecture and MEP plan coordination has been done through intuition and experience of designers. We abandoned these old ways and visualized critical locations with Revit, Excel, and Dynamo.
For example, we colored in the BIM drawing where there was less than 500 millimeter gap between under the beams and inside the ceiling. We are able to easily locate hazardous areas early and to make drafting adjustments prior to crash testing.
Using the ACC as the basis for this kind of beam information, the plan was coordinated by the parties involved. Automatically, found out the place where the beam and the pipe interfered and solved the problems.
The other figure, an example of creating equipment drawings. If it's necessary, take over a drawing to see if the steel frame is aligned. In the figure on the left, [INAUDIBLE] is the MEP request, and here is a steel frame made by the architecture. But since it is not requested each other adjusted it using beam. A photo on the right is under construction.
In such a large hospital, this is the first building in Japan architectural, structure, and MEP have all been converted to modern. Looking at this drawing, my kids ask me, did you design the jungle gym? If so, wouldn't it be fun?
Next, move away from a drawing phase. Let's explain that this array of design information. Unfortunately, blueprint cannot be completed using Revit alone. We built a system link between BIM software and general software such as Excel in the cloud of ACC and Azure and seamlessly connected the data. The data was linked to the completion of the design documents, carbon neutral, and budget.
Next, we will introduce the linkage with a technical calculation of MEP. Building information, such as room name, area, and ceiling height were obtained from the architectural drawing in CSV format from Revit. Particular calculations here MEP were performed to create the MAP equipment legend.
There are about 2,000 air conditioning equipment in this hospital. Too much. Even if you work carefully, so carefully in [INAUDIBLE] problem that same equipment [INAUDIBLE] over all the information style, such that the power consumption, information, and the device layer in exchange between MEP. [INAUDIBLE] we walked on this time. What is your greatest weapon to prevent this from happening?
The other hand, after a technical calculation, the digital integration of lighting and air conditioning equipment while [INAUDIBLE] to the architecture Revit data. This hospital has about 15,000 writing devices. But instead of manually inputting [INAUDIBLE] into CAD, [INAUDIBLE] manual work, which is an example of design efficiency brought about [INAUDIBLE].
Until now, it took about one month to count the lengths of pipes and ducts in 400 mechanical drawings. By using BIM data and BIM dedicate integration software, they could be counted in less than one hour, just one hour. This effect not only saves you time, but also reduced counting errors.
Listen carefully again. One month become one hour. Tons, tons of money saved. Is it happy? Are you happy? Yes, I am happy, so happy.
The presentation was about the linkage of models and technical documents using building information. We don't stop at just looking at the BIM models in ACC. We have created a system that explains the actual space using XR, VR technology.
As for the data flow, Revit data is exported to 3DM file, and the label, which is commonly used in Japan, is exported to 3D [INAUDIBLE]. After these files are imported into Rhinoceros, they are linked with Grasshopper and exported as XR.
This is a 3DM file or a 3D dwg imported Rhinoceros. Check if the layer settings and various parameters in the BIM model are included and if there are any missing parts in the model. Activate the Grasshopper or the Rhinoceros. In Grasshopper, set the section high angle and the control direction.
[INAUDIBLE] due to conditions settings have been made, the next setup is relatively easy. Once the setup is complete, Excel begins. To [INAUDIBLE] with Enscape and Meta Quest Pro goggles, [INAUDIBLE] complete. We are in the goggles. You can experience a virtual reality space.
Let's watch the actual VR video. The image you see on this screen is what is this person is seeing on the VR headset. You can only see the image as if it were on TV. But take on the goggles, you can experience the sensation of being in a real space. This allows for a more accurate process of this design and also allows the client to more easily understand and experience the space that we'll be using.
Since this is the part where we present [INAUDIBLE] using the fifth floor as our example, and as a building from the outside is in the ceiling. Go around the ceiling. Go down into room. Next room. Let's ride a roller coaster. Do you like roller coaster? It's amazing space. See through structure and MEP, except [INAUDIBLE]. This is the machine space or operating theater HVAC system.
Have you entered the world of [INAUDIBLE]? So far, we have introduced the challenge of the [INAUDIBLE]. However, there was a challenge in the [INAUDIBLE] process that could not be solved at the time of the 2021 design. How do you think why?
It's a manually reconnecting calculation with architectural information mentioned in the current issues at the beginning of this presentation. While progress has been made in linking BIM data to each other, [INAUDIBLE] information is still a challenge even today.
Let me explain the problem in detail. We have created a system that allows for seamless data integration. But who's [INAUDIBLE] addition and the directions? As is shown in this diagram, if there are no room additions in the directions, we would be able to process smoothly to the goals.
However, this kind of flow cannot be achieved at the end of the detailed design phase. Actually, even after basic design and also detail design phase, rooms maybe [INAUDIBLE] deleted. In such cases, the building information connecting the architecture and MAP is broken. And the data must be reconnected each time.
This reconnecting process cannot be solved unless we change the [INAUDIBLE]. The building information in Revit is exported as the CSV. Is this the problem you all have the most trouble with? At [INAUDIBLE], we believe this is the most important issue here. One more thing-- as a hidden issue behind the design information is the original workflow and the data structure. Data management is critical for efficient [INAUDIBLE] of design information.
So we set out to solve all of these issues, that is, to make all the blue areas in the diagram seamless digital paths. This is what true digital relay is all about. Then Mr. Tachi will explain the development system from here.
KEISHIRO TACHI: Hello. Thank you, [INAUDIBLE]. Next, I'll be taking you through the next part of our presentation about our challenge to seamless digital relay. As Asagawa explained, the biggest hurdle to a seamless digital relay is a [INAUDIBLE] based coordination of room information between architectural and MEP teams.
So our system took on the challenge of ranking building room information and MEP technical data within the same application without five. This private linking not only drastically reduced the effort required for energy calculation and MEP design document creation, but also eliminates mistakes by linking all data is interconnected. It's truly a single source of truth for design information.
Another key feature of our system is this relay can be started even in the design stage. Nowadays in Japan, the regulations for reducing energy consumption are getting stricter. Construction can't begin without meeting the target energy performance called the building energy index, BEI, in Japan.
To improve the BEI, it is necessary to try energy calculations many times from the early design stages. This energy calculation, which requires feedback from both building and MEP plants, is currently a manual process that takes a lot of the designer's valuable time. I'm sure it's the same in your country, right? So minimizing the effort to obtain these repeated energy calculations is very important.
So let me introduce the digital relay system we are developing. Please imagine that you can read Japanese. First, enter basic information about the project. Input its location, building type, contact name, and so on. And next, import the IFC file.
After import the IFC file, you can check the 3D model viewer on the application. Here is an example of our headquarter building in Tokyo. Here you can list the basic information of rooms linked to the GUID of the [INAUDIBLE] data.
Additionally, you can cut the model with a [INAUDIBLE] to check, making it easy to spot any missing information at the grounds. This model is for the detailed design phase, but the simple model for the concept design or schematic design phase is also acceptable.
Next, input the components of the rooms, walls, and floors. This is basic floor ground. Whether it's an exterior or interior wall, what kind of component it is will be expressed in color, like this. The inner walls are showed by blue lines, while the outer walls are by black lines. When clicking on a room, highlight its information. You can select and edit either individually or in bulk.
The thermal insulation performance of walls and openings will be transcribed if already inputted into the BIM model. And if not, it can be set within the system. And so it is easy to handle even at the [INAUDIBLE] design stage. It is OK if not all data has been entered in the model.
Additionally, it is now possible to set up zoning for air conditioning and ventilation, which was one of the biggest challenge. With a simple drag and click operation, you can integrate or divide the initially segmented zones for each room according to the MAP plan.
For example, this is the second row [INAUDIBLE]. The left area is visitor meeting space. Since this room is quite large, we will divide the air conditioning into two zones. When you split the zones on the screen, each air conditioning system pops up, making it easy to understand the system layout. MAP engineers, you no longer need to edit and compile air conditioning zoning in Excel.
Next, when you input indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity conditions, it automatically calculates the total heat load for the air conditioning. Following the set air conditioning zoning, you can seamlessly select and list air conditioning equipment automatically.
Just like in the hospital case that Asagawa introduced, even if there are changes to the room, you can easily update the list with minimal effort using this system. We've incorporated the expertise of Nikken Sekkei. So the MAP equipment is selected based on our rules for load and zone requirements. Of course, this list can be exported and used as MAP design document.
Once the necessary inputs are completed, the energy calculation can be run. In Japan for building confirmation, web calculation results from public institutions are required. So our system accesses them in the background, performs the calculations, and gets the results.
If you are in the early design phase and don't have all the information, the fourth information is automatically supplemented and the calculation can be done. Calculation results are reported separately for basic and detailed results. This screen shows the total building energy consumption, calculation results, and a summary of the results of each application, such as air conditioning, ventilation and lighting, and so on.
Once the calculations are completed, you will get the [INAUDIBLE] sheet that needs to be submitted along with the desired figures. In this way, the system allows the import of IFC data and the conduct of energy calculations with minimal effort. Edits made within the application are saved, so there's no need to recreate many files with each modification. It's greatly reduced the work required to have the design develop [INAUDIBLE] while checking energy performance.
The improvement we've made to our system are actually quite simple. First, build data links for technical calculations into the web application, which are previously done in Excel. Second, automatically transcribe architectural information from IFC data. If any information is missing, it gets filled in from a data pool. By automating these two processes step by step, we've significantly reduced the repetitive tasks for designers. The digital relay pattern has been passed on.
Architecture planning and MAP zoning still require the judgment and input of designers and engineers, so their creativity and know-how remain intact. It's not automatic design, but design support. With further update, the digital relay system can revolutionize architectural design practices.
How are some examples of such advancements? First, in the early design stages, AI can perform numerous calculations by altering window size, insulation performance, and equipment specifications to consult on specs that meet target performance.
Second, by integrating with Dynamo or Grasshopper, you can quickly assess the energy reduction effects of complex solar shading devices, incorporate them into your design. By creating time through the digital relay system, designers can spend more time on creative exploration.
We have been introducing the challenge of digital relay. Here are some of our expectations and challenges for the future. As we move forward, we aim to integrate model data from simple models into various simulations during the early planning stages. Also, we want to utilize GraphQL API to link data without opening Revit or Forma. Especially, we believe that collaboration with Forma is important. We would like to continue collaborating with all this in further development.
The tool we are developing is a database of blueprint itself. The most important thing is to link such a database with modeling. But present linkage with Revit model has not been achieved. As one of the solutions to this problem, we are considering collaboration with the AEC collection. AEC collection might allow the integration with a variety of different databases, reducing design time, and allowing more time for creative thinking.
Just like with Forma, we would like to continue collaborating with Autodesk on development. That's our presentation. It's all. Thank you. Thank you.