Key Learnings
- Learn how to adopt Revit Systems Analysis and Insight workflows to analyze building-specific strategies for decarbonization.
- Learn about the significance of integrating flexible and open workflows to decarbonize the building industry.
- Gain insights from various case studies on applying open and flexible workflows in Insight and System Analysis.
- CBChris BalbachA professional Engineer With over 25 years of experience in design and analysis of building energy systems, Chris serves as VP of R&D at Performance Systems Development if NY, LLC. Chris is a passionate advocate of "building energy simulation tools" as the best available technology for predicting building performance. He has been working closely with the Autodesk Revit team for several years to develop tools and workflows for extending the capabilities of the Revit Energy Analytical Model.
- Giuseppe ArditoQualified by a research background in sustainability focused on the implementation of energy strategies, innovative materials and development of decision-making approach for large real estate developments and asset management firms. International experience in construction project management, building design and sustainability, including net zero energy projects. Giuseppe Ardito is an expert in energy modeling and analysis software to identify design performance metrics for new and existing buildings. At Autodesk, he supports the development and implementation of Building Energy Modelling (BEM) and Sustainability platforms for the AEC industry to help decarbonize the construction sector.
- THTetsuya HishidaREVIT MEP Designシニアプロダクトオーナー(LEED AP BD+C、一級建築士) 東京大学大学院にて修士(工学)を取得後、大手組織設計事務所に入社し、都市計画や制度設計等の大きいスケールから建築物のディテール等まで設備設計・コンサルティング・試算・シミュレーションを担当。オートデスクではテクニカルスペシャリストとして、Revit等の製品を担当。オートデスク日本支社において建設分野全般(意匠・構造・設備、土木・インフラソリューション)を管轄したのち、現在はRevitMEPの設計ツール開発を指揮している。