Whiteclouds is a 3D printing and design service bureau. We offer a wide array of 3D printing. We have become very skilled and proficient with taking a CAD file and converting it to be able to 3D print a detailed and colorful scale model. This roundtable discussion will focus on converting files created with Autodesk software such as Revit to make them a 3D printable file.
Key Learnings
- Understand the 3D printing process and how it works.
- Understand the limitations, possibilities and advantages to 3D design and printing.
- Discuss first hand with our presenters what file types are acceptable.
- Understand the file conversion process and what is required to make a file printable.
- KPKerry ParkerWhiteclouds is a 3D printing service company. We are passionate about 3D printing and using this technology to create stunning architectural models, detailed video game characters, realistic entertainment models, functional prototypes, and, coming soon, innovative medical solutions. We work with architects, builders, interior designers, video game developers, artists, entrepreneurs, inventors, health care providers, large corporations and others to help them bring their ideas into reality.<br/><br/>Whiteclouds focuses on business to business sales and building business partnerships where we act as the back-end printer; however, we also serve consumers. Your business is your specialty, our specialty is 3D printing. We understand this and our business model allows our partners to benefit from 3D printing technologies internally, and offer high-quality 3D printing services and consumer products to their clients without investing in the printers or the personnel to operate them.
- BEBraden EllisChief Revenue Officer at Whiteclouds.
- KRKelly RootKelly has worked with a wide variety of 3D printing technologies for the last 3 years now. He's successfully built models for a variety of large companies and trade shows in that time. Additionally he works with a team of designers to create new 3D prints of architecture, entertainment and medical models along with consulting with others on the best methods for creating and converting 3D models for print.