Key Learnings
- Discover what is included in an ICT and BIM execution plan made for a complex transportation project
- Learn how to plan and control information development and level of detail
- Learn how to automate the creation of the federated 3D model, and how to add custom attributes to objects
- See how Autodesk has helped out the project team with their expertise, and how Sweco and Autodesk are developing a custom cloud solution
- MAMartin AmdalMartin is currently the BIM lead for light rail projects at Sweco, Norway. Martin began his career as a construction engineer and CAD manager. This proved the perfect background for moving into BIM commissioning, coordination, and management. He is now functioning as BIM Manager where he has incorporated smart ICT (information and communication technology) into Sweco’s BIM strategy. Martin has extensive experience in both BIM for building and infrastructure projects. He serves on the buildingSMART Norway national consultant board.
- TGTerje GladTerje Glad is a specialist on the BIM Infra Expert Team in Sweco, Norway. He serves as a Building Information Modeling / virtual design and construction (BIM/VDC) strategist, manager, and coordinator, and is responsible for the implementation of new technology and processes on his elite team. He has worked for many years developing and enhancing the BIM experience for users across many disciplines. Before joining Sweco, Glad worked for Focus Software, where he implemented Autodesk, Inc., and other BIM solutions at the enterprise level. He was trained as a civil engineer and land surveyor, and gained essential construction experience working on construction sites during and after his education. Being raised at the very far reaches of Norway, Glad is an expert skier, and now living in Oslo, in the sunnier months he enjoys sailing the Sweco race boat long into the evenings after work.