Key Learnings
- Describe what a Dynamo extension is, how you can make one, and recall 5 examples of extensions from the Dynamo Extensions workshop earlier in the day.
- Describe 3 applications for machine learning in AEC workflows and how you can start exploring machine learning on your own.
- Describe a strategy for how to prepare data for machine learning workflows using computational tools.
- Recall at least one workflow that leverages computational methods to help an AEC professional build better buildings.
- Lilli SmithLilli Smith, AIA is an architect with a passion for re-envisioning the way that buildings are designed. After working for several years as an architect, she joined Revit Technology as a fledgling start up and helped grow it to where it is today in almost every architect’s tool box. She has gone on to work on many Autodesk tools including Vasari, FormIt, Dynamo, Project Fractal and Project Refinery which recently graduated to a suite of tools for generative design studies in Revit.
- LCLuke ChurchLuke works to improve the experience that people have with socio-technical systems, including programming languages, AI platforms, buildings, public policy and humanitarian interventions. His work is practice-led and incorporates methods from philosophy, computer science, psychology and critical design. In 2018 he founded Lark Systems to explore ways of integrating different forms of intelligence.
- Katya VelevaKatya is a thinker, not a clicker. With her work she aims to clear design of dull and repetitive tasks so that designers can dedicate all their resources to what they do best – design. She has 5 years of architectural experience in various international practices. She has worked in the Residential and Sports sectors but her most significant experience has been in Healthcare. Healthcare, arguably the sector with most advanced BIM standards was what drove her into a consultancy career.
- Shawnee FinlaysonShawnee is a National Design Technology Coordinator at BVN Architecture. As a self-professed nerd she has a growing passion for implementing data-driven design processes on projects and using data analysis and visualisation to showcase their advantages. During her 7 years in the Arup Building Structures Team she continually pushed the limits of their software and practices by implementing parametric workflows on a vast range of exciting projects using Dynamo and Grasshopper. It was here that she developed an insatiable need to automate the boring tasks associated with day-to-day activities and she continues to feed this hunger for efficiency at BVN. By combining technology research, data analysis and visualisation, she hopes to establish new data driven design workflows that will have a substantial and positive impact on BVN’s projects.
- EEEfrie EscottEfrie Escott, AIA, LEED AP BD+C Efrie Escott is a registered architect who explores topics related to materiality, Life Cycle Analysis, digital technologies, and environmental systems at KieranTimberlake. She works with design teams to translate data-driven research into architectural design. Efrie is also the founder of the Philadelphia Dynamo User Group [PDUG].
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