Key Learnings
- Learn about progress on the infrastructure projects being run by buildingSMART InfraRoom.
- See how digital transformation for infrastructure presents a challenge and opportunity for designers, contractors, and owners.
- Learn how new infrastructure schemas are being implemented in Autodesk software.
- Discover use cases and workflows that can benefit from adopting an open standard infrastructure schema.
- Marek SuchockiMarek is a Global Business Development in Autodesk focused on the infrastructure sector and the development of industry standards for BIM and data exchange. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering, is a Chartered Engineer, Chartered IT Professional, a Fellow of the British Computer Society and the Institution of Civil Engineers and a Member of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES). His career focus has been the research, development and application of technology to aid management and design processes for built environment projects. He is a member of the British Standards B555 committee that prepared the UK Level 2 and subsequently ISO 19650 series of BIM Standards, is a British Standards nominated Subject Matter Expert (SME) to CEN (European Standards Committee) for Common Data Environments (CDE) and BIM for Infrastructure, sits on the CICES Geospatial Practices committee, and represents Autodesk within the UK BIM Alliance, which is driving the BIM agenda and guidance for the UK and internationally. In 2021 he was elected to the buildingSMART International InfraRoom Steering Committee, the group leading the development of open BIM Standards for infrastructure, and is Chair of the InfraRoom Project Steering Committee that is preparing the new schemas. He has delivered significant impact on BIM for infrastructure adoption across many projects and organisations, led on implementing collaborative working solutions to private and public sector clients, and undertaken studies on IT and knowledge management.
- TPTiina PerttulaTiina Perttula is a chair of builsdingSMART international Infraroom. She has actively participated to the development of open standards for infrastructure for several yeas. She is currently working in Ramboll which is a leading engineering, architecture and consultancy company.
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