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Knowing the Future Today: Predicting Safety Risk with AI and BIM 360

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There is a well-established precedent for predictive analytics in business. In 2009, Google built a predictive model using years of data to determine which employees were most likely to quit. Suffolk and Autodesk partner partnered to explore if predictive analytics could be applied to safety in construction. In this class, Jit Kee Chin, Suffolk’s EVP and chief data officer, and Josh Kanner, founder and CEO of, will discuss how 10 years of BIM 360 Field software and other data sources were combined to create a safety predictive model. We’ll show examples of the data, discuss machine-learning frameworks for computer vision as well as predictive analytics, and we’ll present the results of the modeling exercise, how it can be displayed to the user, and what may come next. Attendees will participate in a discussion on what this new ability to see into the future could mean for the operations, human resources, and legal structures of construction?

Key Learnings

  • Understand the difference between machine learning for observation (for example, computer vision) and prediction
  • Learn how to connect your BIM 360 data to external systems to extract additional safety insights
  • Learn past examples and gain ideas for the future of predictive analytics in practice
  • Learn how to impress colleagues, friends, and family with an example of AI for construction