AU Class
AU Class
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Teaching Core Disciplines Through Game Development

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Games and applications, especially those on continually evolving mobile devices, now occupy an increasing percentage of a student's day. At the same time, performance in math and engineering for that same demographic is dwindling at an alarming rate. To compete in the future and secure promising opportunities, the latter (but not necessarily the former) must change. This class will offer ways to increase class engagement while using—and building—the types of games and applications almost certainly found in nearly every student's pocket.

Key Learnings

  • Explain the primary asset workflow between Autodesk® mechanical and engineering applications and popular third-party tools
  • Describe the process of creating a simple game world using a mix of preexisting and custom-created assets
  • Describe the typical production process for today's games and apps
  • Identify key technologies in the game and app development space