Key Learnings
- Learn how to create a Sheet Set template (.dst) file to be used as a company standard
- Learn how to create a title block linked to the sheet set template populating common project data
- Learn how to create call out labels, views, and a sheet list table for your design project
- Learn how to publish the entire drawing package to a PDF, DWF, or plotter output
- Sam LucidoI am a Senior Content Designer with Autodesk. I have over 25 years of experience in CAD drafting and design, CAD standards, CAD Customization, and Training Programs using Autodesk software. I prepare technical documentation and present workshops on CAD productivity to managers and users while providing support on architectural, civil, mechanical, and structural design projects. I am a technical writer for AUGIWorld Magazine and have been a top-rated speaker at Autodesk University for the past 8 years. I am the owner and operator of, an Autodesk Expert Elite Member, and a certified professional in AutoCAD and Civil 3D. My goal is to provide you with the CAD knowledge you need to succeed.
SAM LUCIDO: Can you hear me now? OK. Launch AutoCAD. I put a shortcut on your Desktop. Right-click the Command line, and switch the profile to AU 2018 SSM. You're going to see the status bar, down on the Command line, go to a dark red color. And I'll explain the reason why I did that.
AUDIENCE: Say that again? I lost you.
SAM LUCIDO: You could type "options," at the Command prompt, or right-click on the Command line. I've got a slide to show you, but you're all pretty skilled at it. I'm confident you can do it. You'll see a profile called AU 2018 SSM. Select that, and your Command-line bar should-- I'll show you what it should look like.
SAM LUCIDO: I've been here for hours. See how this one-- see the maroon line on the bottom, there? And then the reason for this is, when we do Open here, we're going to have all our exercises in the Start pane.
I love that trick! If you don't use it, you should tell your users to use it. It's stored in the profile.
OK, we've got one minute. Are we ready? We're ready. How are you doing? Good to see you again.
SAM LUCIDO: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.
SAM LUCIDO: Yeah. Oh, did I put "18" instead of "19"?
SAM LUCIDO: Yeah. Yeah, it's 18. Go under-- just start a new drawing. [INAUDIBLE] there. Here, we'll go to the slide, and I'll show you what to do. I want to do the intro and stuff. We've got a lot of work to do, so I'll get to-- if you didn't get that, I'll get to that slide that shows you how to do it. And my lab assistants can help you, too.
So, welcome. Good morning, everybody-- the last day. It's packed, too. You're awesome! We made it, huh? How many people went to the party? Ooh! Ooh, that's good. Not this guy.
How many people have used the Sheet Set Manager before? So everybody in here. This says "advanced," right? How many people have done more the advanced features of the Sheet Set Manager? Not much? A few, here and there? OK.
So you're going to see, the handout is 93 pages long. Don't be intimidated by that. If we went through every page, it's one minute per page. We're not going to get done, obviously.
So I'm going to skip through a few. I'm going to focus on the template part of it, and then we're going to flip through a few more-- how to save the template, how to create a new one. And then we're going to-- I want to focus more on the View Label box and callout blocks at the end-- sheet index table-- that kind of stuff.
Anyway, who am I? My name is Sam Lucido. I'm a CAD services manager and senior civil designer. I do a dual role, at where I work. I manage the software, I deploy it, I manage the licensing, the customizing-- that end of it. And then my other part of my job is a civil designer.
So I'm actually doing work half of the week, sometimes all week, and then the other half I manage. It's a balancing act. It's not the easiest thing in the world to do, but it keeps me happy.
Been using AutoCAD since the '90s. I grew up on the board. So I've been around for a long time.
I've been using Civil 3D and Map 3D since 2007. I write for AUGI World. I'm an Expert Elite. I run a website called CAD Pro Tips.
And my goal here-- and I wrote this down when I did another speak somewhere else. If I can teach you one thing and make you think about it, then I believe I've done my job. Because-- and I think I said this yesterday, when I did one, too. Because everybody in here is here to learn something new. If I can show you some you didn't know, you're going to do something with that that I didn't know. So that's the way that works.
My first line of defense-- and I always say I love the Beatles tune "I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends." Because these are my friends. This is what AU is about. I did not know Rick, Scott, or Tracy, eight years ago. But I know them now, and they're my friends, and they're my lab assistants. I trust them. They can help you with anything here.
I'll let them, each of them, say hi to you. You can read their bio. Let's start with you, Rick.
SAM LUCIDO: That's great.
SAM LUCIDO: I took Rick's line, first line of defense. Rick's a president of a civil company, Catapult Solutions. Tracy works at a community college. They've both written a book together.
And I'm going to say this. And then Scott is on the AUGI board. So, if you're not a member of AUGI, join that.
Now, Tracy and Rick, you're going to have to turn away. This is my favorite AutoCAD book.
OK? And I'm giving it away, today. But I do want to say that Rick-- I haven't seen Rick and Tracy's book. They just published one, so I haven't seen it yet. So it might not be my favorite book anymore.
But this one is a comprehensive book by [INAUDIBLE] Publishing. And it shows, like, real-world examples and AutoCAD stuff, and it goes into 3D modeling.
Boy, I told you guys I'd keep my intro short, and I keep blabbing. We've got to get rolling, here.
So you'll be able to take your company title blocks, create them. Most importantly, bring back knowledge to help you excel. That's the goal. We all want to excel in what we do.
If you didn't download the handout, if you're fortunate enough I gave you one. It is a big handout. The data set-- everything's up there for you to get.
The exercises are separated by folder. I did this a few years ago and, I'm going to say, I wasn't too happy with the results. I mean, the class was OK, but the Sheet Set Manager is such a big thing, we had to separate it.
The key to this class-- you're going to see all these exercises-- is to close out of one before you begin the other. If you fall behind, they're in separate folders on your Start pane.
Learning objectives. Learn how to create a Sheet Set Template-- [LAUGH] gosh, I need my glasses. [LAUGH] Learn how to create a title block linked to your sheet data-- populate it. Callout labels, view labels-- I want to focus on this. This is really cool. And learn how to create a page setup override to publish.
That's our goals. We want to actually start the sheet set, get some templates rolling, and then go from there. OK. This is the part-- if you haven't done this, do this.
Type options at the Command prompt, configure or right-click on the Command-line area, go to the Profiles tab, and AU 2018. Apparently, I thought this was last year, because I did both of these this year, and set that. And you're going to see-- you're going to see it change.
So that's it, for my Power-- I don't PowerPoint you. The only thing that's in the PowerPoint-- I have one video in here, because I want to show you a keyboard sequence.
But you're just going to get this. And I'm going to show you the handout. And we're going to go from there.
Let me just give a plug for this. I know you can't see me, but-- Mastering AutoCAD Sheet Sets. My second page of my handout, I just took it from this. I gave credit to this, and I took it from there, because I couldn't have written it any better. It was sort of an overview.
So I gave you some of these. You can find it on the link on my handout and on the Autodesk website. It is a good, comprehensive overview of the Sheet Set Manager.
All right. My handout. If you go to my handout, if you're using Adobe or anything, if you select the exercise number, it takes you to the exercise number. If you select Autodesk University, it takes you back to the table of contents.
This is how we're going to go through the lab. Exercise 0, 1, and 2. I'm going to show you very quickly. So exercise 0, 1, and 2. And then we're going to start with 3.
So, on the first exercise, you can go ahead and do it with me, if you want, or you can just-- you don't have to. So I'm going to actually open up a sheet set and just show you some example sheet sets that come with AutoCAD.
And I have to go through the basics, here, for a minute, so just bear with me on that. So, if I go to exercise 0 or exercise 1, you see there's Architectural. And I'll open up one and show it for you.
So Autodesk supplies you several of these sheet sets. So I encourage you to take a look at these. And don't just look at the Sheet List tab. Look at the Sheet View tab, and look at the Model View tab. That's all exercise 0 is. And exercise 1 is creating a new sheet set.
Application menu, New, Sheet Set. Example sheet set, or existing drawings. Thank you for turning that down.
Example sheet set. you're going to see this AU Project Complete in here, but we're not going to use that. Civil sheet set. I'll hit Next, Next, and finish it.
This is where I tell it where to go. I'm going to go on exercise 1 and just call it AU 2018 Project and cancel out of there. We're going to start with, actually, exercise 3.
So exercise 2 is your title block, your company title block. So I'm going to come up in here. I'm going to open--
You're going to see how everything's over here in the Start pane. Exercise 2. Start, my title block.
So you see I've got one called Exporter and one called Exdata because, at my company, when I deployed this, someone-- well, some-- we hired new people, and they came from companies that xrefed their title--
You can do that. It's fine. It's fine. I think, either way, in my experience as a CAD manager, you're going to need an xref one way or the other, for, like, subcontractor things, versioning numbers, stuff like that. So, whatever way you do it, your attributes have to be in your sheet, in order for the Sheet Set Manager to work. They can't be in the xref.
So then we take our company title block. We get it to the way we want it to look. I just put fonts in there [INAUDIBLE] whatever you want. Get it to the way you want it to look, and then we link it together.
So here is where we are going to start at exercise 3. So we're going to-- so watch me go this, and I'm going to do it with you.
So I'm going to close out of everything. I'm going to start a new drawing. And I'm going to open the sheet set in the Exercise Sheet folder. "Exercise [LAUGH] sheet"-- Exercise 3 folder. OK.
Your sheet set should look just like shown. It has one-- I took the title block, I took that sheet set, and they have a relationship now. I just imported the layout in a sheet. All of you know how to do that. I just brought it in there. Now what we're going to do is add some sheet custom properties and then some sheet-set custom properties.
So we're going to-- up in the project, here, we're going to go to Edit Custom Properties. Now, there's two sets of properties. For this exercise 3 and 4, the 3 is sheet properties, 4 is sheet custom properties. So we're going to do them together.
So I'm going to right-click my AU 2018 Project. I still can't believe that's 2018. I'm going to hit Edit custom properties, on the bottom. And I'm going to delete these, to start. And then I'm going to hit Add, and I'm going to select Sheet. I'm not used to Adobe.
So what I want you to do is add these-- this, right in here-- into the project control. And then we're going to add the custom properties in there. So 01 is drawn by, and 02 checked by.
Now, this is where I'm actually going to show you a video, because I don't think it works on these computers, but I'm going to try it. Alt plus 0160. OK, it didn't work.
But I'm going to show you something really quick, because-- I want to enter a blank field-- I just don't want to leave this blank. So I'm just going to type "%%U," which will do the same thing. And then I'm going to do "02 checked by" and then "%%U" and hit OK, and hit OK.
And you're going to see, you have these two fields in here, under Sheet Custom Properties. Now, you guys are in there, editing these properties, right now, too. If you don't get them all typed in there, don't worry about it. They're populated in the next exercise.
Let me show you something really quick, because it is important. Well, that didn't work too well, but you can see my hands on the keyboard. I'm hitting Alt. I'm going to hold down the Alt key, and I'm going to hit "+0160." And what that does is it gives you a blank field.
Why it doesn't work on these machines, I don't know, but it doesn't. But the "%%U" is what I used to use, back before I did-- I still use the "%%" or the "%%U," because it shows up nothing.
If you leave it blank, you're going to get those four dashed lines, and they will print. I don't like that. We like things clean. So we want it to be blank. This way, it'll just be blank. So either way you do it is fine.
If you get it to work-- when I tested the lab, it didn't work, that code. But it's in the handout-- try it out; it works. It'll show up-- you'll see, when you launch the next exercise, that they're completed that way.
OK. So we've added our-- is everybody good with the sheet custom properties? I know this is kind of basic. So we're going to continue on. We're going to open up in exercise 4, and then we're going to add some sheet-set custom properties.
So we're going to close out of our drawing and open up the one in exercise 4. You don't have to save anything. Close your sheet set. Close your drawing. I'm going to close this sheet set, too.
And I'm going to go to exercise 4. And, there, the panel, and I'm going to hit OK. And I'm going to right-click, and I'm going to hit Properties.
And you're going to see-- you're going to see-- remember, I told you, that Alt-160? [INAUDIBLE] touch that field. See how there's a blank space in there? So use both--
The reason I did the "%%U," I didn't have a number pad on my laptop. So I had to do that. And that was the way I learned how to do it first. But then a lot of the experts in the industry use that Alt tab. You got a question?
AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] put a space?
SAM LUCIDO: You're still going to get the dashes.
SAM LUCIDO: Yeah. You're going to get four-- you're going to get four dashes that'll show up. I mean, it's just the way it is. People put dots or periods, too, and stuff like that, or--
All right, so now what we're going to do is go through this and edit the sheet-set custom properties. So what we want to do is hit Add, again, and do Sheet Set. And you're going to follow what's on the handout. And I'm going to give you a few minutes to do this, because this is important. And start adding them.
The reasoning for the numbering sequence-- and use the cheat sheet I gave you-- is because Autodesk sorts alphabetically and numerically. So this is where-- I did Plan and Production, yesterday. And I love sheet sets, and I love Plan and Production-- they're together-- but there's a lot of planning up front.
Make a list, write it down, of how your title block flows, and put it in order. Because, once you get it in there, you either have to delete it and put it back in, or you have to figure it out that way. So what you're going to do is you're going to do "01," drawing name first, drawing name second, "03," project title, project second, sheet total, and drawing scale. And I'll do those while you do those.
15 minutes. So we have an hour and 15 minutes. So we're 15 minutes in. I'm just checking time.
You can watch me do it. I'll do it, too. So I'm going to do "01." Yes, sir.
SAM LUCIDO: I don't think I'm going to do that. [LAUGH] I would, but-- [LAUGH]
SAM LUCIDO: I could put a title in here. I could actually put something in there, like My Project Title, if I wanted to. But I'm just going to use the "%%U," for now.
Jeez, Sam. See what I did? I made a mistake. So it's going to sort that. So I would just go back and delete it and then add it again.
So I'm going to cancel out of mine. And I'm going to close this. I'm going to up the next one and show you.
So your Sheet Set Manager should look like. This is the next exercise. If you open up the sheet set--
That's more or less practice. So I'm going to give you another minute to go through it, and then open up the sheet-- close everything out, and then open up the sheet set number 5. And you're going to see-- don't worry about the bottom part of this. When I do Properties, I'll show my screen.
So you've got these blank fields, here. Sheet total, and revision number. So 07 A, B, and C. I could have did 07, 08, 09, but, since they're related, I did A, B, C. That was my way of thinking through the workflow.
OK, you guys ready? We're at exercise 5? Anybody have any questions? This is a good time to ask questions. We're still going through basics.
AUDIENCE: Is there any way to sort the custom properties? Or do you have to delete and retype?
SAM LUCIDO: Delete and retype, or put a number in there. Yeah, that's why you have to plan it up front. You know what? I wish there was, like, the Attribute Manager, the Batman, where you can move things up and down. It would be great if you could do that, but you can't. At least in my experience, you can't do that. It's sorted that way.
I keep thinking Autodesk is going to put Sheet Total in there, because it's a Sheet Set Manager. So you'd think that, under Project Control, it would be there. Now, this-- Now, how you do that project control and your custom properties is all based on your company standard of what you do.
I gave my handout away, [LAUGH] so I'm winging it. [LAUGH] All right, so now we're on exercise 5. And this is where, if you open up AutoCAD, the Sheet Set Manager Exercise 5, double-click the C100 tab, that's our title block, our company standard title block, that we're going to attach all this data from the sheet set to. We're going to form a relationship between the two files.
So how do we do that? Let me pull this over. Scott told me one thing. Can you guys see the screen OK? Or should I flip the color theme? Is it OK?
SAM LUCIDO: So I'm going to zoom in to my title back. And you can see, if I double-click it-- I'm going to do "AT," instead. Oops. Let's move my attribute editor.
So I did "attribute edit ATE," at the Command prompt. And you can see I have my title block and all the fonts and my company's standards the way I want them. Now we're going to take the data from the Sheet Set Manager, and we're going to connect it to this, forming that bond, that relationship between the two.
So the first thing I want to do is we're going to-- that cheat sheet I gave you will list these in order. Each one of you should have that-- and number 1, 2, 3, and what to follow through. This is going to take a few minutes. We're going to have some time on it, but I want to put it in there.
"ATE," and then hit Enter-- hit the title block. You can get it a couple different ways. Now, in the handout, when you start building this stuff, if you have that-- read the handout, where it says "value and default," because you could get a point where it won't work, where for some reason they won't react right.
So I'm going to show you this. This is exercise 6, or 5. So we're at this point, right here. And we're going to go through this. I'm going to leave this up on the screen, so you can see it, but I'll go through and do a couple of them. And then we'll take 10 minutes, and we'll do this.
And you'll notice number 12 on there. And I'll be honest with you. Number 12, I was like, I forgot the title, when I got it done. And I said, well, I've got to add the drawing title. So 12 was the one-- it's actually flipped, when you go to the next one.
So you can see-- and I'll just talk through this. You guys go ahead and go ahead and work.
Drawing name 1 is Current Sheet Set Custom, First, Second. I'm going to go back to AutoCAD, and I'm going to show you how this is done. Doesn't matter if it's--
I'm just going to select the top line, right-click, Insert Field. Remember, this is current sheet set custom drawing title first. Hit Enter. And you see how the blank space showed up? Because I did the "0160" or the "%%U."
I'm going to right-click the next line, Insert Field, Custom, Drawing Title Second. You see how important that is, to have those in order? So now I've got these two blank fields.
And I did use MTEXT, and I did just separate the lines. And, before you ask me, can you set that width? You can't. So that's why multiple lines are sometimes helpful, because using--
A lot of people use DTEXT because, if you use MTEXT, the Sheet Set Manager will sometimes-- and you'll have to go into each drawing and truncate that text back in. It'll flip back and forth. Your choice. You can use either one.
Second line's the same thing. Right-click. Autodesk University. Insert Field. Project Name.
You see how they're in order? This is your title block. Insert Field. Project Name Second. Hit OK. Hit OK, hit OK.
I've got a little spacing issue, but you can see how I've got these blank fields. So now I know that, when I use these as templates, they're going to populate for the data for my project.
Let's talk about a couple more other ones in here. So we've got this sheet, here. We don't have to worry about-- when I do Properties, you see how the custom properties are shown here, and they're also shown up on here? And I did this on purpose. I put my name and Rick's name. It's not going to do anything, because there's no sheet in there.
They're controlled by the individual sheet, but they'll show up on the main Sheet Set Manager. So, if you're wondering, hey, look, the name didn't change, what I did at my company is, I have a field called-- for the drawn by, checked by, "Global." And then I have them individually, as well. So they're set to Global, but you can change them. Because what I've learned is, not everybody draws the same drawing and not everybody checks the same one. There's different disciplines, because we have Process, Mechanical, Civil.
I'm still in my title block. I'm going to hit "ATE" again. I'm going to hit Enter. And you'll see Drawn By and Checked By. This is-- I'm not even going to worry about it. I just put "AU."
The drawing scale, that one was actually a field that we populated-- sheet set custom, drawing scale. And I just put Shown. The drawing number is actually the current sheet title.
Sheet number. Remember, we didn't do any-- we didn't pop-- this is something we didn't do. This is controlled by the Sheet Set Manager.
So current sheet title, current sheet number. If you don't want to use that field, or you have some other idea, you can make a custom field, for that. So this is the current sheet number.
AUDIENCE: Can I interject with a [INAUDIBLE] Define Sheet Set Title, you're limited to a certain amount of characters, I believe it's 64, for those that don't know.
SAM LUCIDO: Explain-- the sheet set title. You mean the actual title, there, on--
AUDIENCE: --sheet title, yeah--
SAM LUCIDO: Oh, the current sheet title.
AUDIENCE: --you are limited to--
SAM LUCIDO: OK. Oh, that's a great example. That's why you would use a different field.
SAM LUCIDO: That's a good one-- 64. So, remember that. Those project controls, I don't recommend making-- like you said, you have to type that pretty long. You can't see it, because it won't truncate that. But that's up to you. That's-- it'll work.
But if, like you said-- I would do one-- in your scenario, I would probably create a custom field called My Sheet Title or something similar to that. But let your staff know that, you know, hey, we're not going to-- or we're limited to that amount. Because you're not going to even have the ability to do multiple lines. I mean, you can with MTEXT, but you won't have very much control.
I'm back on my sheet set. There's a couple-- there's one I want to show you. I'll actually double-click. I can go through it this way, too-- is the milestone. Insert Field. You can get-- and its current sheet set project milestone, and hit OK.
Now, all of this stuff-- my project number, project name, project phase-- is controlled here. The current sheet title, as the gentleman was spoken about over here, is controlled over here. And the description. So we haven't given it a description yet. We don't have to. And then the people that drawn by.
I'm just cycling through what we just did. So that's how our title block should look, when we're done. Did everybody get to that point, or close? You don't have to do them all, as long as you get the concept of it. You know, it takes time to do it.
This is the planning part of it. Once you get this template-- and, trust me, I do production work. Once you get the template set up, it works.
It works. You won't have to worry about it. You can reduce errors on title sheets, on drawing names, and things like that. All right, so let's move along, then.
Now, what we need to do now is, we're actually going to close out of here and go to one that's already done. I'm going to hit Close, Sheet Set. And I'm going to open my sheet set, which is located in my Exercise 6 folder.
This is important. And I want you to do this, even though I already created one. So I'm going to go to Exercise 6, and I'm going to open up the project. I'm going to double-click my sheet. All right.
We have a sheet set. We have a sheet set that's dated for the wrong year. [LAUGH] Actually, it's the right year; it's the wrong software versions.
So we have a sheet set, and we have a template done. Now I want to be able to have those deployed to my team. How do we do that?
So what you're going to do is actually take-- the first thing you're going to do is you can right-click the-- you've got your drawing file in here, right here. I'm going to remove it from the sheet set. OK?
I'm going to right-click out here, and I'm going to see where my sheet set is. DST is here, and that is here. Those are my two files. What do I need to do with them?
So I removed it from the sheet. I closed it, and I'm going to go to Options. And I'm going to look at a couple system variables-- not system variables, but paths. Again, right-click Options Config, or you can type it in. Files. Template Settings, Drawing Template, Sheet Set Template.
Let's do the sheet set first. No, we'll do the drawing first. So we've got this. I'm going to right-click. I'm going to copy that path-- now, I don't know how this is going to work on a virtual machine, but we're going to give it a shot-- and paste it.
And you see, the window that showed up, this is where AutoCAD, right now, right now, is looking for templates. Now, I don't do this. For your company, you probably look somewhere else for the templates. You don't look--
If you look in the default, that's fine. But when you create all these standards for your company, you're going to look in there, because you might have five different sheet sets for different disciplines.
So I'm going to take my DST file and DWT, file, since it's the same folder, and copy them there. I'm just going to open Windows again-- or, actually, I'm going to go back to AutoCAD. I'm going to leave my window open.
Data sets on the desktop. Managing sheet sets. Exercise 6. And here's our files.
So we're going to copy this project. AU 2018 Project. I'm going to hit Copy. And I'm going to go back to my window over here. I can't get two windows open, on this Desktop. And then I'm going to paste it into the other one, into here. Right-click, Paste, OK?
So I-- OK? That's all I'm doing. I'm copying them into the Template folder. And, for the drawing file, it's a drawing file, right now. I'm going to leave this window open. Right now, it's just a DWG. I'm going to go back out to AutoCAD.
I'm still in C100, right? So I'm going to do a File, Save As. And now I could actually put that path in there, but I don't have it there. But I'm going to call this DWT-- whoops. And we can rename the file, at this point, too, if we wanted to.
When I switched the template, it's going to go to that folder. And, you see, I already have one called-- we were going to just call this AU 2018 Template.
And it's going to come up-- again, please tell your users what this is and why you did it. I'm a Civil 3D guy. You've heard me say it a million times. And we all get busy, but take the time to do that. It sure does help. Because someone will come along and go, what was is created for? Sometimes they're project-specific.
So save it, save the layers as reconciled, hit OK, and get out of AutoCAD and your Sheet Set Manager. So what do we just do? And I saved my drawing-- we took a drawing file, we took a sheet-set file, we made some custom properties, some sheet custom properties, and then we took a drawing file and we linked the two together so they have a relationship. Now they separated, but they still maintain that relationship.
So now what we're going to do, in the next exercise, we're going to test it out. And if you didn't end up saving it or didn't have a problem, there's a completed one in there. So let's go to exercise number 7, which is testing the template.
This is pretty simple. We're just going to do a real quick test, here. And then we'll get to some view labels.
So I'm going to do File, New, Sheet Set. And you're going to see an example sheet set. I want to see that.
Hit Next. And we dump that file. You see how I dumped it, right here? I'm going to hit that one.
I'm going to hit Next. I'm going to save it to my Exercise 7 folder. Open--
Do I want the folder hierarchy based on the subsets? Absolutely! Well, the subsets are folders. OK, the Sheet Set Manager--
This is my description of the Sheet Set Manager. It's a file cabinet. And, inside each file cabinet, you have sheets of paper. The subsets are the folders in the file cabinet. Sheet Set Manager, folders, sheets.
Can you have more-- can you have a-- [LAUGH] what's the question? Can you have duplicate sheets in there? No, because it's a sheet of paper. You have to make a copy. So that's how, in my head, I figured, to kind of logically think that through.
So you can hit this, to see what's going on. And you can say, well, OK, that's great. That's exactly what I wanted to do. Hit Next-- finish. OK, I've got that. That's the first piece of the puzzle.
So then the next thing we're going to do is do a File, New Drawing. I didn't name this. I should have renamed this, to whatever-- like, AU 2018. It's in the handout.
So I'm going to do New, Drawing, and then I'm going to select my AU template, complete, and hit OK. And then I'm going to right-click, Import Layout--
Actually, let's save this file to the Exercise 7 folder. Because, remember, it's the template. You just loaded the template to a blank drawing. You've got to put it in your project.
Put it in your project. This is actually going to be the one that we're going to make the page setups on and put the callout blocks in. So we're going to save it to Exercise 7, and we're going to call it-- let's be consistent.
So I called that project "001." Template's in there. And I'm going to save this to 2018 1115, underscore, C100. And I'm a civil guy, so I'm using the civil disciplines. So 2018 1115 C-100. Save it.
Once I do that, let's right-click and see what's going on out here. Remember, this should say "Project 1," but you can see my DST file, DST Template, is connected to my draw-- they're in the same folder.
Now, some people-- I put the sheet set, the DST file, in the root, along with the files. Some people put them in other locations named "sheets" or "company"-- whatever you do. They have a relationship, so I like them together.
So, now that we've got them two in there, this is going to be the start of our project. And what I always try to make clear to people, when you-- a template is a template. If you put it on the network, you're going to still have to change the properties of it to conform to your project. That project control data's not the same for every project, but a blank field is.
So what we want to do, now that we have this, is we want to right-click. There's a couple of different ways to do this. We can import a sheet from here, or we can right-click the Layout tab. This is the easiest one-- import layout to sheet. Hit Import Checked.
I can move this around, if I want. It's in my sheet set. I'm going to do a regen. I'm going to zoom in, here.
And you'll see that some of the data populate-- not all of it, but some of it did. Like my current sheet number and things like that. I don't know why this isn't populating right now, but we can check that. Make sure it's connected to the sheet set. OK.
So that's how you start your project. And then you just build your sheets upon that. So, in the next one, we're going to create a new sheet, and then we're going to start getting into something else.
So I'm going to close my sheet set, close my drawing. Originally, I was going to have you guys start populating all the custom data, so that would have filled in. But, due to time, I'm not going to do--
You can do that on your own. Two doors down, there's a self-paced lab. You can sit in there all day, if you want, and go through this stuff. Plus you're going to get it all when you go back home, too.
You get the point, though. It's project-specific. So, once I load this up, I'm going to change all these anyway to what my project is.
So I saved it. And now I'm going to-- let's-- hmm. OK, we're going to do page setups, now-- exercise 8. I wasn't going to do that, but I think we're going to have time, so I think we're going to do that.
So I'm going to open up the sheet set in Exercise 8. How's everybody doing? You guys hanging along? I'm not going too fast, am I?
AUDIENCE: Yes-- too fast.
SAM LUCIDO: I am going too fast? Who said that?
SAM LUCIDO: No! Come on, you guys, don't do that to me!
AUDIENCE: No, it's not--
SAM LUCIDO: You're making me feel bad. Oh, I forgot. Huh?
SAM LUCIDO: No, I'm going to give her a prize! [LAUGH] Just so she doesn't give me a 1! [LAUGH]
AUDIENCE: Bribery works every--
SAM LUCIDO: You know, you've got to do what you've gotta do.
SAM LUCIDO: [LAUGH] Do you want a prize?
SAM LUCIDO: Do want a prize? [LAUGH]
SAM LUCIDO: Oh, you guys-- now I lost what I was doing. I don't have any idea where we're at. So we're on exercise--
Close out everything, and open up the sheet set in Exercise 8. We're going to create a page setup override. It's sort of out of sorts. I was going to do this at the end, but I'm going to show you how this works.
So we've got-- you see the sheet sets in there? If I double-click my C-100, how's my data doing? Go through and change a few things, in here.
So say there's your site plan, sheet sets in the lab. Just start changing a few things, here and there, and they'll all change in there. You see all the fields are populated.
If I take my sheet, like I said before, it's drawn by Rick and approved by Sam-- normally, I'd do capital letters. I'll do a regen. You'll see that those populate per sheet.
So now what we want to do-- our drawing's in there, right? But I want this drawing to be copied every time I do a new sheet. So my theory on this is, I create a template from the template. This is my template.
So what we're going to do is put some page setups in this file and save it to a template file. We know that it's right. We're going to leave it in there, right? So I'm going to type "page" at the Command prompt.
And I have 122 by 34. Let's add 11 by 17. I'm going to call "11 by 17 PDF." Hit OK. Come in here and change this to 1 to 2. And we're going to go on ANSI full bleed, 11 by 17.
That'll work. Hit OK. Hit Close. All right. I might have to hustle up, here, because I want to get to some other things.
So we're going to save this. You see how I made my page setup? And then we're going to save it to an actual file. So I'm going to do a File, Save As.
I can save my drawing, here, too. It really doesn't matter if I save it right now, because it's in my project already. I'm going to do a File, Save As.
And I'm going to put DWT here. Right? And it's going to flip out to my default folder, but I don't want that.
I'm in exercise 8. I'm going go into template, and I'm going to call this-- whatever you want to call it-- 11, 2018, 11, 25, or 15, C00. My Project Template-- blah, blah, blah. OK? Close out of it. Double-click your sheet. You're back in your sheet.
Makes sense? It makes sense, because we're going to use this for the page setup overrides, and we're also going to use it for our template to create a new sheet. So it's going to pull everything we already did. We did it once. We don't want to do it twice. We want to just keep the same stuff rolling along.
So, on the Sheet Set Manager, under your Sheet Set Manager named Project, you're going to right-click Properties, and you're going to come up here into Page Setup Overrides. You're going to click that little window at the end, go to Exercise 8, go to Template, select your template, hit Open. And you'll see it sticks.
And, while you're there, do the same thing for the template. You see, a lot of users, when you get these, you're going to see that it's pulling from wherever-- C user data-- blah, blah, blah. Half of the stuff is never populated. It's just there, by default. But we want to take that DWT and make it for our page setups and our drawing temple.
So then, if you-- know I'm jumping around. Say your project manager says Sam, I want this a DWF, a DWFX, or a different size. You go into that one page-setup file, create a page setup, and then you can right-click and publish it without having to go into every drawing.
Oh my gosh, what happened? [INHALE]
Do you mind getting a tech guy, Rick? [LAUGH] Who did that?
SAM LUCIDO: All right, let's just talk about it, then. Let's figure out-- so what we did was, we're going to do the template-- put that in the template window. I can't show it to you, but I can help you. The template window-- select that same file, and the page setup overrides, select that same file.
So go ahead and do that. And then, if you right-click your Project 001 name, hit Publish, Page Setup Override, you're going to see-- I need some help-- you're going to see those page setups in there-- 11 by 17 and 22 by 34. So let's do that, and we'll try to get me a little technical issue, here.
MAN: What happened?
SAM LUCIDO: It's down. Anybody need help, while we're doing this? We can continue on. Everybody good?
MAN: What was it supposed to do?
SAM LUCIDO: It's supposed to-- it's not connected anymore.
AUDIENCE: There you go!
SAM LUCIDO: Yep? You get me back up and running, we're good. Anybody got any questions, while we're just fooling around?
SAM LUCIDO: You don't have to use multiline text, but you can.
AUDIENCE: OK. But, when I do, it doesn't always seem to update what's on the sheet set until I hit Save. Is that--
SAM LUCIDO: Sometimes you have to regen.
AUDIENCE: When I do a regen or [INAUDIBLE]--
SAM LUCIDO: Unless you save it?
SAM LUCIDO: Just redo it again.
AUDIENCE: Even [INAUDIBLE] or anything like that, it doesn't work
SAM LUCIDO: Try-- check out that-- this-- check this out, where it talks about how to enter the attribute values. There's a trick in there. Sometimes they get jumbled.
SAM LUCIDO: All right, well, let me get my handout. So what I want you guys to do is run exercise 9. Close out of exercise 8 completely. Close out of the entire exercise, and open up the sheet set in Exercise 9. And we're going to create a new sheet from that temple. I want to show you how this reacts.
Everybody got that open? Did everybody see the page-setups overrides on that page setup, when you did it?
SAM LUCIDO: OK. So you see what I'm talking about? So, under Exercise 9, if you open up the sheet set in there, what I want you to do is actually just right-click in one of the subsets and create a new sheet. I'm going to actually lean by you guys, so I can see what's going on, if you don't mind.
AUDIENCE: You don't want to do it--
SAM LUCIDO: No, you're all right, you're all right! Just cancel out of there, and I want you to-- you've got to create a new sheet. Hit Cancel. Right-click on Title Sheet, and hit New Sheet. right there, the second one down.
Create a new sheet. give it a name, give it a number. Say it's number 2.
SAM LUCIDO: Call the sheet title C-- whatever it is. Now, I would just give this one a 2. So you're going to give the number number 2. You're going to give the sheet title "C102" and then give it a file name-- "1115 2018 C102"-- or something like that.
MAN: I'm going to do a quick reset, [INAUDIBLE]. Is that an issue?
MAN: OK. So I'll do a quick reset [INAUDIBLE].
SAM LUCIDO: Yep. Did you get-- so the new sheet should come up with all of your data populated from the previous one-- all your common data-- your project name, your project number, and stuff like that.
How's everybody doing? How many people are super-mad right now? You're thinking-- everybody's thinking, I'm giving-- you want a prize? Are you mad?
Do you want a prize? Do you want a prize? OK, I'll give you a prize.
We're giving away prizes!
SAM LUCIDO: Huh? Don't worry. You know what? This makes it super-good, because we're going to go so fast, now, for the last--
Who wants a prize? Who can tell me something about the sheet set-- now, look at all these guys. Who can tell me something about the Sheet Set Manager that I didn't talk about?
SAM LUCIDO: Do what?
AUDIENCE: You can archive it.
SAM LUCIDO: Archiving-- good point. You can archive the sheets. Archive, and e-transmitting. Archiving will take the entire, all of the files and everything in the sheet set and zip them up. You have three tabs. You have the File tab, file tree, and what's included.
Do not include the project manager's engineering stamp. That happened last week. OK? Don't do that.
Oh, I've got to give this guy a prize. [LAUGH] That's a good one. E-transmit-- what I've found, with e-transmit, is it's more of, if you're going to send one file via email, it's pretty much the same command. It really is. It does the same thing, but it's more based on an email and stuff like that.
I like archive. What I do with my projects-- let me get up and running again, guys. What I do with my projects is, through-- you know, I'm a Civil 3D guy, and stuff happens.
How many Civil people in here? Ah. Stuff happens. You lock up. Stuff happens. You come to work, the next day something's gone.
So I'll archive my project, at the end of the day, with a date. I put it in a folder called Archive. It's my top folder. And you might even see it in some of the data sets here.
So that's a good practice to get into. And it's saved me a ton of time. Like, even when someone says, we need to go back and do the surface from five days ago, and you're like, well, [INAUDIBLE]. I'll look at the archive file, and it'll be in there.
I'm running out of prizes! [INAUDIBLE] I'm at the white background, too, now, so we're good. So let's move over to-- give me a second, here, to get my bearings, guys, and I'll-- I want to get some-- My Documents back up, so I can see where I'm at.
Now that I'm out here, you guys, in the data set there's something called Project Documents. And I included some sheet-set guides from other people, in there. So you can take a look at that, too.
All righty, we're back. OK, so we created the new sheet. I'm skipping the publishing, because we had a little glitch, there. Because I really wanted to go over the next couple of things. All right.
Let's do this really quick, this one, exercise 10. This will take a minute. This won't take long at all.
So I'm going to start a new drawing. I'm going to open up the sheet set which is located in the Exercise 10 folder. Ooh! I didn't do-- what did I not do? Prize!
SAM LUCIDO: Well, you can't do it. What?
SAM LUCIDO: Do I have a prize? Was I out? I think I was out. Wait-- I do! Who said that?
SAM LUCIDO: Just pass it along.
SAM LUCIDO: Hey, listen, no making fun of the prizes!
I won't give away the book!
All right, we're going to open up the drawing, the sheet set in the Exercise 10 folder. All right. You notice there's a bunch-- there's stuff in there now, right? I populated it for you. So we've got some sheets in there, we've got a couple of things going on, and we've got some drawing titles and things like that.
What I'm going to do is go to my G100 sheet. You're going to double-click that, and you're going to say "Autodesk University 2018"-- exactly what I want. I'm going to right-click the properties of any one of my sheets. I'm going to see a sheet title, a sheet number, and a sheet description. Those are the fields I want. You can create additional fields-- rev numbers, and things like that-- and I'll show you. But what I want to do is take that data and make a sheet index table.
Now, I can say, right here, I can do Insert Sheet List Table. This is a common mistake that happens, or a common just workflow. Like, one of my users-- Sam, it doesn't work. Why didn't--
I come over here, and the subsets are not checked. Why aren't they not checked? It's because I selected the sheet. Remembered, a layout tab is a sheet.
So what I'm going to do, here-- so what I did-- I did a little pre work. So, in one of these folders, out in here, under Blocks, is a cheat list. It's a table style. Excuse me.
Right-click your project. Insert Sheet List Table. I made a table style called Sheet Index. Basically, what that is is a table style that contains some common custom properties, to make it look nice and pretty when we print. That's all it is. It's a table.
And over here, on the right, I've got sheet number, sheet title, sheet description. I can change the name of it. I always come out and check my subsets.
The working one, I include in my sheet sets because what I do with the working one is sometimes put survey files in there and things that I don't want to print, and I don't publish it. All I'm going to do here-- let me take a step back, here.
I can add things. Now, this is limited. You know, you can add a bunch of stuff in here, if you want another row. You see how my table changed? But I really don't want to add anything, here.
I'm just going to hit OK. And I'm going to come down here and place my index table there. See how nice that looks? And I used a little bit of true color.
Now, if I change-- the question's going to be asked, well, Sam, what happens if I change my drawing name and go home for the night and come back in? It won't update. But I'm going to show you how you can make it update.
If I change existing cond-- if I change one of these to Site Details-- whatever it is-- 3-- I'm going to do a regen-- nothing happened, right? But when I double-click this, Download from Source, you see that it changed. One trick is, over here, under LISP, I actually created-- well, I got this from-- I can't remember who I got it from.
It's a simple LISP routine that you can put in your startup suite. This one is to remove the SSM association. This one is data update. You see how it says Command Data Update Link? If you put that in your startup suite, and then you get out for the night and somebody changes it, it'll update. That's how you can sure that that'll happen. Question.
AUDIENCE: Yeah, I work in Civil, and we have tried to use Index, but have the kind of issue where we've got, you know, five or six [INAUDIBLE] site plans and five or six grading plans, and we don't want all of those to list individually. Is there a workaround [INAUDIBLE]--
SAM LUCIDO: Other than unchecking them when you make the sheet-list table, you're going to get it the way it is. You can--
AUDIENCE: So, instead of doing, like, 101 or 106, have my site plan--
SAM LUCIDO: Yeah, that's interesting. I'll give you some info after class--
SAM LUCIDO: --about that, because a lot of people run into the same situation. It's limited in its capability, when it comes to what you put there. You can uncheck those--
When I do right-click, if I don't want to include some of this stuff-- Insert Sheet Table-- I would just go over to here and just uncheck 200 and then insert the table, and it would leave it out. I'm not so sure I'm answering your question, but I think I have something that may help you. We've got to hurry up. One more question.
AUDIENCE: So, when you created your sheet index table, is there a way to prepopulate some of the attributes [INAUDIBLE]? Or is it always [INAUDIBLE]?
SAM LUCIDO: No, no, no. You can add more, but you're limited. If I go back into-- you can add more, but you're limited to what you can add. If I go in here, I can just add--
AUDIENCE: Yeah, you can add them here, but can you prepopulate it so that, instead of having to add them every time--
SAM LUCIDO: I don't think so, unless you manually do it.
SAM LUCIDO: You can do a table style. What I've done, in the past, before I knew this work-- and I'll just be honest with you, because I like being transparent-- I actually made the table style, and then I used to actually go into each field and do the number-- do it manually. But once I did it once, it was done.
I didn't know this existed, you know? So I was like-- but that's how I did it, and it worked. So, in your case, in your case, in all these cases, you can customize it that way. That's not the--
It's better than just typing it in. The reason I did this was, I saw people-- I've seen people do Excel. I've seen people type them in. And there's-- mistakes happen.
You entered-- this way, if it's wrong on sheet 4, it's going to be wrong on here, too. Someone's going to catch it.
All right, I've got to move on. We can take questions later. You can ask any of my friends back there.
Because I really-- this is advanced, so I really want to cover model views. Creating model space sheet views. OK. So I'm going to get out of here. We've got a half an hour, in exercise 11. We're doing all right.
I'm going to open up the sheet set in Exercise 11 folder. File, Open, Sheet Set, number 11. All righty.
Now, the first thing I tell my users to do, now, is go over to-- we forget. Everybody lives on this home tab, right here, this Sheet List tab. I'm going to go into Model Views, and I'm going to make sure this is set to the folder Exercise 11, where my sheets are at. [INAUDIBLE]
SAM LUCIDO: I didn't even go to the party! Boy, you guys-- I don't have any more prizes.
[INAUDIBLE] poor guy that's coming in after me, it won't work. [LAUGH] OK.
What I'm going to do is go to my xrefs folder. And I can open up drawings from here. So I'm going to double-click and open up Base Map.
Now, you can see I have points in there. One, two, three, four, five, six. I want you to create model-space views using the corners of those points. Name them North Site Topography, South Site Topography, and Pond Area. And how do you do that?
I'm going to go on the View tab of the ribbon and hit New View. I'm going to not worry about this. I'm going to call this North Site.
You know what? I don't like giving them view categories, to be honest with you, because, when you place callout blocks, you have to select the-- you only have to do it once, but you have to select the categories. So we're just going to leave it at none, for now. The handout might say to put it under Civil. But we'll leave it None, for now.
And define the window. And this is where we're going to hold down my Shift key. I'm going to hit Enter and hit the intersection of here and the intersection of here. And you can see my north topography is done. I'm going to hit Enter and hit OK.
I'm going to do the same for the next two views-- South Topography, View, New-- I did it a different way, there, but same thing.
I did do it a different way, so I'm editing the boundaries. So I'm going to hit this, for the endpoint or the intersection. Again, down here. Hit Enter. I'm going to do New again, and I'm going to do Pond.
This, right here, you guys, be careful with this layer snapshot. Because what's going to happen is, AutoCAD's going to say, OK, I'm going to save all the layers the way they are in that view. So, if you save it to the snapshot, if you all of a sudden type "view" and hit Restore and you had a bunch of things frozen, you're going to get them all frozen again. So I sometimes turn it off.
This isn't an xref, so, you know, we're just creating the views. And then the pond area. And, again, you know, those sections are in there pretty much just for you to actually see.
So now, if I go over to my Sheet View list-- I haven't placed any yet, so there's my model-space views. Aerial, base map-- OK. Does everybody-- did you create your views?
Now, there's another-- we're going to go to the next exercise. There's, like, 10 views in the Details folder. But we're not going to do them here. We're just going to use them.
So we're going to close out everything we did. I've got 9:35. Am I right? OK. OK, let's close out of views.
That's how you create model-space views. And there's a reason for this, and we're going to show you that the next exercise. I'm going to close out of everything and open up the sheet set in Exercise 12.
Go to the Sheet List tab. And go to the Civil Site Plan section. Go to the Model View tab. OK, I'm going to slow down.
OK, everybody opened up Exercise 12, right? We're going first add the model space location. You're going to double-click this area, here, or right-click, to add it. And we're going to add the Exercise 12.
Add a new location-- Exercise 12. OK. And you're going to see everything populated. I'm going to uncheck my xrefs. And I'm going to see-- we've got some views down there, right?
I skipped a step. I'm going to go backwards, here, a minute, because I forgot to do one thing. Everybody's good, OK. And I'm going to keep going, unless you guys start telling my lab assistants you're not doing good.
All right, you see we have views, here? That's what we just created. If I go to the Details folder-- oh, it's not in this one. It's in the next exercise. So we'll cover that the next time.
What I'm going to do is actually right-click and hit Place on the Sheet. But the first thing I want to do is, we're going to make the callout block for it. So don't do that yet.
So what I'm going to do is just, underneath Blocks, I'm going to double-click View Label Block. And you'll see, here's the view label. I made it for you. We don't have time to make it ourselves. Autodesk supplies you with them. I modified it a little bit, to make it look a little prettier.
If you ATE double-click-- and I just wanted to show you what it is. This is a block, and I put it in a-- you can put it whatever. I like putting these in a folder name Blocks, so I know what they are, or somewhere--
Some people put them in the xrefs folder. Xrefs and drefs, I like to keep them in their own place, in their own world. So I'm just going to type "ATE," to take a look at the attribute settings.
View Number, View Title, Viewport Scale. All right? I double-click it. Sheet Set Placeholder. View Number-- uppercase. The same for the other two. You remember-- View Number, View Title Viewport Scale.
Right-click. And you're going to see, that's my view title. We didn't give it a number yet, but it's going to pull the viewport scale. Close out of this one. Don't save it. Or you can leave it open. It really doesn't matter.
We're back in our sheet set. We're on sheet C100. We're going to populate 100. We're going to do 100, 101, and 201. Should be 102, but that's fine.
So, under Model View tab, I'm going to right-click Place on the Sheet. And then I'm going to show you where that callout block's located. You're going to see my view come in at the scale that I set--
When we made the views, it was set at 1 inch equals 100 feet. We did that. I forgot to actually tell you that. If you set--
That pond one, what we should have done, when you created the pond, you should change your scale to 30. Otherwise, it's going to show up like this. But there is a workaround. You can right-click.
If I don't like the way that looks, I can right-click when I drag it and change the scale. We're going to keep it at 100. We're just going to place it in the drawing.
And why didn't the block come in? It's probably because it's in exercise 13.5. Right? OK. Let me go back and do one more thing, and we'll make sure that comes in for you. And I'm going to stay in my current sheet set.
Another thing for a sheet set-- when I told you about properties, we showed you that view callout block. These two settings, up in here, you're going to see them either blank or when you get sheet sets. Nobody ever uses them.
So we want Label Block for Views. Select the window. We're going to go over to my View Callout Block, in exercise 12. I want to make sure I'm in the right exercise.
Under Blocks, View Label, hit Open, choose the block, View Label, hit OK. Now, that's why you do labs, because you learn as you go. You make mistakes, and you go back, and--
I forgot to do that. Obviously, I want that block to come in. Otherwise, this is like I'm just placing a view.
So now I'm going to go back to my Model Space tab. And I'm going to place the three views on three different sheets. And I'll go ahead and do that, and you guys can do it along with me. C100, Model Views, Place on Sheet. And you'll see my North Topography came in there.
I go to my next sheet, 101. Model View, South Topography, Place on Sheet. You see the callout block came in there. Sheet List 201. Model View. I'm going fast, I know. Place on Sheet.
There's my 1 inch equals 30. So you see the-- but we didn't give any numbers yet. So let's go back to my drawings.
So I've got my scale. And sometimes-- you saw the xref scale-- you have to check that. It's the setting in the block. You see others--
There's the four dashes. Remember, we talked about in the beginning? It doesn't know anything, so it's got nothing on there.
So all's we're going to do, now that we've done these-- we've placed the views-- we can go to the Sheet View tab and go, hey, look! We put some views in each of these drawings. Let's rename and renumber them.
Right-click, Rename, and Renumber. 1-- actually, in all reality, these would be 1, 1, and 1, right? But we'll do 1, 2, and 3. --2 3. I'm going to regen. You see how that's 1.
Go back to my sheet views. Regen. See how they change.
Now, the one thing that I notice is, this view that's brought in is brought it on your current layer. So your block is going to be on the current layer, and the view is. I usually bring it in on a label block. And then, if I don't want the viewport to show, I change it to viewport layer. No. OK, OK. [LAUGH] You guys like that?
SAM LUCIDO: It does default. I think you can use a basepoint parameter-- Tracy, help me out if I'm wrong-- to actually insert that block at a different point. I am not 100% sure, but I think that's what you would have to do. The block, right now, the basepoint is--
So here's the circle. The basepoint's right here. So the corner is going to be relative to that.
SAM LUCIDO: You know, I should have done that, because I want it in the middle, too. I don't want it on the left. That's just default.
All right, so, for those of you who are ahead of the game right now, let's go into details. Let's go into sheet sets. I was going to have to do some more.
So those are sheet views. Let me go back, here, and see where we're at. So views and callout blocks. We went through this. And now we're going to do label view blocks, which are different, which are the-- you know, when the-- like-- I'll show you.
Project manager says, we have silt fencing along this perimeter to the landfill. We need to say, silt fence, where is it located on the detail sheet? That's a label view block.
So I used a couple examples in here. And I'll show them to you. So what we're going to do, the first thing we're going to do is actually open up 13. Let me make sure I'm in the right exercise-- still on 12.
Let's open up-- and I'm going to show you, and you'll get this in the data set. Stay where you're at. It doesn't really matter. We'll go to the Model View tab. We only have one, so we're going to have to go to exercise 13. So let's close out of everything and open up exercise 13. I had two of them open, so that probably was part of the problem.
OK. Exercise 13, I want you to open up callout blocks and look at what I've got. So I took what Autodesk gave me, and I kind of made a few changes to a few of them, to make it work for what I wanted my project to do. We're not going to go into how to create these. That's your job, when you get back, to learn how to do them and make them what you want. I'm going to show you what they're used and how they relate to the drawing.
So you can see, [INAUDIBLE] and they're all different names. So what I'm going to do is, up on the project again-- remember the first one we populated, if I right-click, was the AU view label.
Remember, it's a view label. These are callout blocks. There's a little confusion, sometimes, at least when I've worked with people, there's-- you have to kind of-- the view label are the views for details, site plans, things like. That these little callout blocks are for labeling things.
So we're going to do the same thing again. And you'll notice, we've got all these-- we've populated this sheet-set data thing on the top that nobody ever does. That's what you need to do. That's where the magic always happens, with this.
Callout blocks. Exercise 13, Add, browsing to it, Blocks, Callout Blocks. Don't worry about-- and we can choose the blocks that are located within the drawing file. I'm going to select them all, and I'm going to load them in there. I want them all.
Now, sometimes you don't, but I'm going to just use my old Windows command, select them all, and they're going to say, OK, it's going to populate here and hit OK. I can get out of my block file.
I like having a standard block file, like that. And I keep it in my folder, for my projects. We just push it over. And then, the user, they don't have to do anything. They populate that folder, and they have all of them available to them. So, you CAD managers out there, that's a good way to drive standards, right there. All right, guys, we've gotta hustle.
So we've added the blocks, there. We've done the pond areas 1 and 2. So what I want to do-- I'm going to skip-- we're going to go to this--
We're going to show you how to-- these detail sheets. If you go back out in here, when you get back to the office, if you go into Details, you're going to see I gave you quite a few of them to play around with. Insert them into your detail sheets.
So, if I go back out here, under my sheets, my details are here. And you see how they're all in there, and the viewport layer's there? There's my--
So here's where we want to do. We've got an anchored bollard. I want to place a view callout block on C100, which is straw bales. [INAUDIBLE] what I said-- "anchored bollard." I guess that's the wrong one. It's the second one.
So the straw bale is number 5. So it's detail 5, on sheet 201. I'm going to go back to sheet 100. And this is what I want you guys to do.
You're on sheet 100, right? I'm going to go to Sheet Views, over here, on my Sheet View tab. And we know these are straw bales. I'm going to right-click, and I'm going to place a callout block. AU Detail Callout Bubble. I'm going to hit Enter.
And it took that view name and label and put it next to straw bales. Now, if you move it, change it, it will change with it. Now, there's more than one detail that's a straw bale, right? There's an installation and a profile.
So, if you've got six-- I'm going to right-click this again, I'm going to place the callout block, I'm going to call bubble. See how that works? Let's do one more. [INAUDIBLE]
You guys got super-quiet. Either you're-- is everybody good?
SAM LUCIDO: Too fast? Too slow? Cool? All right.
Remember the bollard? We've got one here, and we've got one on the other side of my building, on my architectural plan. I was like, well, gosh, I want to tell people what that is. And I'm just going to use a dynamic-- a block, to put it in there.
Sheet views, again. There it is-- bollard. Place a callout block. This time, I'm just going to use-- I think it's-- dynamic. And I'm going to hit Enter.
There's that one, there. I'm going to do it again over here. And the reason I'm showing you this one is-- there's a bollard, again-- is because it's a dynamic block, and you can flip it. So what I did-- I made the block-- instead of--
What I did was, I made the-- instead of having five different blocks, I made it flip to the right, left, up, and down. If you were to point to there. Now, most of time, we don't do it like that. It's more for purposes of showing you how it's done.
All right, so, what's the takeaway from this? There's three tabs to the Sheet Set Manager. Use them all. The Model Space tab-- even if you don't do callout views and callout blocks, it's so helpful just to have that folder available. Yeah, you can right-click the tab and get out there, but this way it's good.
So, if you populate all this stuff-- if we go from the beginning, way back in the beginning, and we've got our DST template, we've got our drawing template, we've got our callout blocks, we have all these-- there's not very many things that we need, to be productive in our sheet sets. A couple more things we want to go over, before we close. So we did the callout blocks.
You know what? Are you guys-- that's cool, isn't it? That's really cool. When I showed my team members that-- and these guys have been using Civil 3D and AutoCAD for a long time-- a lot of them didn't know the-- they didn't get why the cross-reference back to the sheet. We've had so many jobs where we've moved details around. And we have a project manager, somebody, going through, and the details doesn't reference the right page.
If you set things up right and your operators understand what it is, it's great. It works perfect. And you show them-- just be careful, when you show a project manager, because then they get all excited-- think you can do it twice as fast, right? And I'm recording this, right? [LAUGH]
SAM LUCIDO: All right, so we did that. We talked about archiving, over there. I gave him a prize, and he laughed.
SAM LUCIDO: That's no-no, right? Isn't that like a no thing?
SAM LUCIDO: [LAUGH] Shame. All right, let's talk about archiving and e-transmitting and publishing, real quick, and then we'll close. Because I think we've got-- I've got, like, five minutes, guys. Am I right?
SAM LUCIDO: OK I want to make sure I give you room for the other guy. So, right-click, Archive. What AutoCAD's going to do is come up and say, Sam, you didn't save all your sheets. So let's save my sheets, before I get out of here.
OK, we've got E-transmit and Archive. Remember, I talked about that while we were down for a little bit. There's three tabs. Files Tree is the one I like. And this one, here.
This is when I always do this, and I do this all the time, and my team does it, too. And I'll say "Project 01 saved on" whatever-- you know, 11/15. I come over to my files tree. I see what's going on here.
Do I really want the DST? Do I want to give this to the client? I don't know. Then I come over to the files table. And sometimes, no matter what you have loaded in here-- like the Venetian image-- like I said, the PE stamp? Get rid of that stuff. If you're electronically submitting something, you don't get approval for that, that's a-- you need to do that.
And then you hit OK. It's going to say, Sam, where do you want to put this stuff? I'm just going to throw it right there, right now, just to show you, and it'll package everything up in a zip file for you. That's how you archive. E-transmit is the same way, but the intent is different. The intent is more for actually sending one file.
Publishing? We did the page-setup overrides. If I hit right-click, Publish, I'm not going to go-- I'm going to hit Page Setup Override. If I go to Manage Page Setups, right here, I've got them here. If I go back and publish, I can tell it where to put my PDF files.
So you see, right in here, it's under PDF. So then, when I publish, it'll publish those drawings in that folder. System variable, publish collate, 0 or 1. If it's set to 0, you're going to get these sheets-- I don't have my pointer.
You're going to get one, two, three-- eight of them, labeled the exact same way, 1 through 8. If you set the variable to 1, it's going to come out and ask you for a file name. It's going to combine them all together.
I keep thinking of things that I want to tell you guys, but we're going to have to cut it out, here, pretty quick. Let me find my PowerPoint. I know I went over the basics. I know that. I couldn't ignore it.
I wanted this to be two separate classes, so we could go slow. That's not how it worked out, so I had to put them in there. Me giving you just that stuff at the end is not the answer. So you're going to get everything on the data-set file.
If you like what you saw, give us a rating. The guys in the back and me, we spent a lot of time on this, and it helps us. I used to take feedback negatively, but, you know, it's OK. We just learn from it. And, if you want to see it again or something like it, we'll do it again.
And I think that's it, you guys. That's it, thank you!
We made it through.
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