Key Learnings
- Learn how to actually work in a multidiscipline project, using the most of Autodesk technology
- Learn how to apply Autodesk technology in almost all of the uses of BIM along a build cycle life
- Learn how to work with interoperability using IFC
- Learn how to plan and coordinate this type of project
- FCFernanda CruzArchitect and urbanist, graduated at UNICAMP - State University of Campinas (twice elected by Times Higher Education magazine as the best university of Latin America), PMP certificaded and professor at ISITEC´s BIM Master Specialist pós-grad. Has been working with BIM since 2011, first on a engeneering company, mostly working with DATA CENTERS buildings´s design. On 2012 started as a BIM specialist consulter at quattroD, a pioneer BIM company on Brazil, beeing responsable for special projects like FDE´s implementation, one of the best cases of BIM at a government company, where she coordinated not only the creation of more than 1,800 parametric families to be used by architects and engenierings on public schools buildings design, but also the trannings of their employees and the development all the templates to be used and already free available for all users. Last year she became quattroD´s partner.
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