AU Class
AU Class
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From 3D Scanning to 3D Printing for Integrated Reality Projects

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This class will cover a Reality Computing Solution that uses the combination of AutoCAD Civil 3D software, Revit software, and Inventor software as a bridge between realty capture and 3D printing. We will also cover the way that this technology changes how projects are communicated and built. There is a big movement happening in the construction industry for the use of these models on projects in initial planning and as a submittal requirement. Come and learn how the process increases awareness, safety, and accuracy.

Key Learnings

  • Learn how to use AutoCAD Civil 3D software, Revit software, and Inventor software for 3D scanning to 3D printing applications
  • Gain an understanding of the software systems used in a Reality Computing Solution for industrial 3D-printed models for planning
  • Obtain an understanding of how to go from industrial reality capture to industrial 3D printing
  • Learn how to use 3D CAD and 3D printing for communication tools on industrial projects

