Key Learnings
- Go through an industry/project case study
- Learn how Forge is addressing complex challenges in facility management application
- Learn how BIM could be of daily use for operator property managers and owners
- Learn how AR/VR combined with Forge can use BIM data in facility management operations
- MRMathieu RigaudAfter a first European time of works in mechanical R&D and process optimization, in transport industry (Automotive, Defense, Train and Aerospace). Mathieu continue his experience in Canada with IMPARARIA Solutions as project and program management of PLM software implementation in Aerospace. He took the R&D project for PLM knowledge transfer from Aerospace industry to AEC Industry base on the new capability of AEC software and BIM. After technical and business development in Canada and USA area, I will be back in Europe to supported and developed EMEA Market for the company. Finaly due to a big project as consultant for VINCI Facilities on Thales headquater BIM project for BIM in operation. He joined VINCI facilities Team and get the responsibility of BIM Innovation, R&D, IT Development, BLM, Architect and software partnership. Since 5 years he manage all the program of BIM for Operation & Facilities management (TwinOps) in one of the biggest AEC Company in the world.
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