Key Learnings
- Learn about all the steps to execute Revit modeling for a large project suitable for electrical load calculation.
- Learn how to make smart and efficient electrical families, such as power outlets, lighting fixtures, and electrical equipment.
- Learn how Revit API development can help customization for electrical calculation, such as local engineering standards.
- RQRoy QianRoy has been working in MEP design and software development projects for the past 29 years, with educational background of electrical engineering and information systems. Since early 2008, Roy has successfully led and completed a number of landmark BIM/Revit projects across New Zealand and Australia. He has become one of the leaders of BIM/Revit implementation for MEP in the industry with lots of first hand project experience. Roy has been one of the leaders of the digital engineering team for the recent Auckland City Rail Link Project since mid 2019, which contributed to the winning of the prestigious Autodesk AEC Excellence Award 2020 for large infrastructure category, showing his truly top-of-the-world technical flairs and leadership skills. Roy has been speaking extensively on BIM/Digital Engineering topics globally, including five times at Autodesk University (AU) and six times at the Revit Technology Conference (BILT).
ROY QIAN: Hello, everyone. I'm going to talk about BIM for 4,000 amps. So obviously, it is electrical modeling and calculation studies. My name is Roy Qian, technical principal of WSP. Feel free to contact me with these contact details because we want to learn together on this BIM topic. It's very interesting.
Myself has got 29 years of BIM MEP design, CAD, BIM software development. And I led some landmark BIM projects across New Zealand, Australia, and some other parts of the world. I'm good at design automation, lots of first-hand project experience. And one of the digital-- I was one of the digital engineering leads for Auckland City Rail Link Project, winning Autodesk AEC Excellence Award, 2020, for large infrastructure category.
I spoke globally, including five times at Autodesk University and seven times at BILT in Australia. I'm also a regular guest lecturer at universities.
So let's start, look at the electrical side of the BIM. So we look at the challenges. I'm pretty sure a lot of you, or most of you, have been experiencing these challenges. Can we effectively document 2D drawings, and model electrical objects, and the system correctly at the same time-- I mean, simultaneously-- to get them correct at the same time? And can we calculate electrical loads correctly in large, complicated projects as a BIM delivery?
And also, how to connect and calculate dual power supply system? So that's a bit of a detail. So when we have power supply-- or sometimes we have A supply, B supply from power companies-- how do we calculate those situations? So that's a challenge for myself and for you. How to calculate loads from other disciplines or from linked models? So you have, of course, electrical load is not just for power and lighting. A lot of times, it's from other disciplines. And sometimes, it's just the loads coming from other models. So can we handle that?
So how do we calculate loads based on industry standards of different countries? So I'm from New Zealand, which is different from where Revit was originally designed, which is in the States. So every country has different basis of calculation, standards for calculation. So how we deal with that?
So the answer, probably, is a tentative answer here with some case study. So let's have a look, go through the journey with me, with my experience, or my answers to these questions. So let's have an overview from a light bulb to MSB. So let's look at the journey, how we calculate the loads from individual outlets or devices, lighting devices, to the whole MSB main supply, main switchboard.
OK, so the case is about a rail station. So this is one of the rail stations. It's quite a brand-new, modern design of the downtown rail station. So we are seeing two switchboard-- main switchboard panel schedule. So you're seeing the panel schedule. This is custom made, obviously.
So from the panel schedule we reported, this is from two suppliers. A supply is 2,254 amps. And then, the B supply is 2,251 amps. So that's about 4,000 amps, for a total, for this station.
And then, there is another station. And they are quite nice-looking, modern designs and construction. Again, there are two supplies for this station, with about 5,000 amps in total. Then, there is a above ground station. And there, we have about 2,000. So we use this scheme, this system, or this methodology. I'm going to introduce this one we have used for three stations. So it's kind of proven.
So let's have a look, a lighting fixture's upstream journey when we try to connect and calculate load. So this is obviously a single-line diagram. So we are looking for an individual lighting fixture. So it is supplied from this DB. So we are not showing the lighting fixture. But the panel controlling or supplying the lighting fixture is from this. So from this, it's going upwards.
And first, it goes to a sub MSB. So it's a sub main panel. And then, it goes up, to a ACO, we call, automatic changeover. So obviously, it's a changeover from A supply or B supply. So sometimes, if A supply fails, we change to B supply. Or the B supply fails, we change to A supply.
So obviously, all the load will be calculated up to MSBA-- that's from A supply-- and from MSBB. So this is the journey a light fitting will need to calculate the load summaries to MSB, to both of them. So how do we do that? In the real installation-- so the light-- say, for example, the light is from here. And it's going to the panel. And then go to sub MSB and switchboard. And then, it goes ACO. So this is slightly in another level. So these are on the B2-- I think, B1. And then, this is B2. And then, it goes to both MSBs.
So this is our-- to analyze a case, how we calculate the load. So before that, before that journey, we have a look at the system browser. The lighting fixture could be very easily-- so I always turn on system browser in the electrical design or modeling calculation. So from browser, we can see a light from here. And then, it goes-- so that's the drawing in the browser-- goes to the DB panel. And it goes to B up. And then, it goes up again, goes to the sub MSB. And then, it goes to ACO, automatic switchover-- automatic changeover.
So then, let's have a look, from ACO, how we connect to both of the supplies. What we do is we made two separate power connectors. So you can see, we added two. So we are allowed to have two connectors. So with this ACO, let's just show, in live, how we connect this ACO to a dual supply.
So in reality, once you load that family into the project, you will see, you can connect as a power, you can circuit it, and then, you choose the panel, one of the MSB panels, as its panel. So once you supply, you can see from the system browser, it is under that MSB panel B. And then, you see there, because there are two connectors, there is a power connection symbol, or circuiting symbol, where you can create a new circuit.
So in this case, when we create it, we can choose an A supply. So it goes under the A, MSBA. So we completed supplying ACO to both supplies. So we just connect it twice, as a circuit, choosing different panels. And we see it. Underneath of this ACO, we can only see from one MSB, one circuit. We can see that the one connected below. And on that one, we don't see-- that's what the system-- we don't see anything below that.
But that's enough. Because if we want to browse through, we can go through this circuit. But that doesn't affect the load calculation. The load will be, still, the same for both MSBs. So let's go next one.
So now, let's have a look at the lighting fixtures. Lighting fixtures-- so we are trying to summarize-- to connect from lighting fixture up to MSB. So for lighting fixture, we have luminaire schedule. I think most of us will produce a luminaire schedule for all the lighting fixtures. So this is one line of the luminaire schedule. We talk about the type, the photo, and then, the manufacturer, and the description. And most importantly, we have luminous flux and wattage. So these are important parameters of a type of lighting fixture.
So that's how bright it is, 6,422 lumens. So that's actually from the Revit family. So from Revit family, we have luminous flux, and then we have wattage, what kind of power consumption it has. And it is connection-- it is connected by a formula, wattage times efficacy equals luminous flux. So there is-- you see the efficacy. So this is related, and we report as luminaire schedule.
But how we calculate as a load? So we know the load is always from the connector. So we wire this connector-- this load-- from connector to a parameter. We have a customized parameter. And the parameter is-- we put VA, apparent load for a single phase. And then, that VA is governed by a calculation of wattage divided by a power factor. So we have a power factor, which is connected-- which is feeding to the connector as well.
So we have apparent power equals-- so wattage plus power factor. So in that, we successfully passed our luminaire schedule, how bright the light is, and the wattage, and converted that to the load, and sent that through, to the system. So that's how we calculate. When we change the lighting fixture, we're changing the-- now we start to change the load, the brightness of the light.
Let's see. So if we want to change the light, it's 10 times brighter. And let's just do a test. Yeah, 10 times. And then, the wattage will be 10 times larger.
And then, once we change that, we load that family into the project. And then, obviously, the load of that lighting type is going to be very-- 10 times. So we have many lights. So we use-- you can see, we use a customized API program. We click one button. And then, the load of the two MSBs have changed.
So we can see-- so once we change the individual load, we use a API tool, click one button, and all the load is sent through, to the MSB. So we have a total load change. So that's how we do it. We can see, there is a DB load, which is panel load calculation for the whole project. And this is the API we use to execute this whole aggregation, or calculation. We'll talk about that. This consists of about 830 lines of API. We use C#.
So now, before we go into more details of calculation, let's look at what's critical. The critical thing about the success to our whole calculation is really depending on how good the families are. Without good families, we can't achieve what we want to achieve. So what I'm trying to preach, or to share my experience, is we need to vary focused on a lot of aspects of the family. So I'm talking about planning. Leave no ambiguity.
So we need to talk closely, talk to the team, or the engineers. We need to upfront with-- so how many families we are going to produce, and family name, family type, the code, which we want to show on the drawings, usually, and the purpose of the device, so that when we create a family, it's always, we have something real in mind-- phase of the connections, and number of outlets, voltage. So we need to be leaving no ambiguity of IP rating, lockable, unlockable. So these days, we have-- the devices, we have integrated USB or not. So we need to consider.
And then, this is very important, how many current variations, variants of this device, or this family. So we sometimes have 10 amps, 15 amps. So you need to let users choose what is available. But you don't want to leave them to create of their will. Sometimes it is probably not existing. So we need to be upfront of what we are creating, and have a spreadsheet, and always refer back to where we originally wanted.
So in terms of family, less is more. In the whole station modeling-- we have three station models, right? In each station model, we have about only 11 electrical fixture families in one station model. So you can see, not a lot. So less is more because the user-- it's less chance to get wrong, and the user will be very easy to quickly to model it, choose it.
So the type-- manage type strictly with correct data, we'll talk about that. Each type will be corresponding to matching data, or specific data, for that type. Modeller to select correct types by meaningful names-- so they see this name, they will select. And then, once you select this type, all the data will be correct.
And avoid error of family wrong use, how many times we use wrong families. So some ambiguity-- oh, this is-- sometimes I see, oh, this connector, or you call receptacles 1, 2, 3 when people copy-paste, and when people get it wrong. So instance parameters are only used when they have to be. So we always try to use type. Because a type, you can call by name. And once you call the name, you are sure what you are getting. So if it's IP66, then the IP66 will be in the parameter. And then, you call the name. You call a type, a name, which has IP66.
So in terms of the families, my philosophy is we need to use integrated circuits. So it's like integrated circuits. We don't use-- we don't make the family like discrete circuits in the old days, when you do a radio. We use integrated circuits because it has a functional, watts input, watts output, and it's integrated. The user doesn't need to-- the users don't need to worry about what's inside, they just use it. And it has a clear interface to the user.
So this is another view of a single family. So you can see the-- don't worry too many types. We have a single family. Because once you have a single family, you have many types, there is no chance to get it wrong. Because each type are different. You wouldn't have two types talking about same thing. So we go to one family and select what we need to select.
And once you select, as I said, the 3D, 2D, what's shown on the drawing, the data, they are all predesigned by the BIM manager or the lead. So when you carefully-- when you choose-- as I said, when you choose a type-- say this is ESCM, it will show as ESCM. Because the data inside the family will show that. So you choose IP66, it will show IP66. You choose 50 amps. So you choose a type.
And then, there are so many types, so many different devices you would like to document. So we predesign everything in the family. You just let users choose. What's the benefit? The load is a lot easier to manage. You change that type, and the load will be correct. So data correctness is guaranteed by selecting the right type, as you can see.
So let's go to see-- now we have families-- how we connect these circuits with intelligence, with the parameters correct, with the values of parameters correct. OK, so circuits-- circuit is a quite special element if we realize. Physically, you can't see a circuit, right? But we need to know what's the parameter values, or what kind of circuit it is.
So there are many ways-- there are four ways, from what I observe. And four ways are all useful. We use four different ways in different times, but they are all good for us to use. So the first thing is the system browser. We need to use system browser to find how the circuits are circuited and how the network of the system is connected, obviously.
And the second is, when we select the element, we can go to edit circuit. And the circuit parameters will be presented in the edit circuit panel. So we see that the edit circuit, that button will show us the circuit value, circuit parameter values.
And also, the panel schedule-- so you can see, this panel schedule is quite customized from what Revit has given. So you are totally allowed to create one column, two columns different ways as you need. So you can embed your parameters in the panel schedule template. And then, once you save it, then you will have your own panel schedule to your own needs. So this is the panel schedule we use during our design process.
The last one is circuit schedule. You can create a schedule with these electrical circuits. And they can parameter-- you can load the parameters into the schedule, and sort them, group them, filter them as you wish. So with these four ways, we can always in control of what we are getting, or what the parameters in the circuit, what kind of circuit, each of them, or the whole project, how many circuits we have.
For each circuit-- now we talk about each circuit. So what data we need-- we have a lot of Revit-native parameters. So among them, I just pick a few Revit-native parameters that I often use, or I need myself.
So panel name is always what we need. It is a read-only parameter. So when you connect the circuit, you can't change it unless you edit the circuit. And also, circuit number, the system will give you unless you change it. So you can't change-- when I say read-only you can't change in the panel, in the circuit property panel.
And the load name, lighting general room-- so load name is actually automatically generated for you, but it's not upgraded. So when you first connect the circuit, you will have a load name here, a load name here. And it consists of electrical element. Element has a load classification. And then, it will take the space where the elements are, and put the space number, and give you a level.
And then, a parent current, that's another parameter we use. Obviously, this is the total current, if it's three-phase, it's three-phase. If it's single-phase, it's single-phase. So that's the parameter I use. Actually, it is from-- the apparent current is from apparent load, which I showed as a lighting device previously. You get the apparent load from the connector. And divided by voltage, whether it's single-phase or three-phase, you get apparent current. So this is the key for us to calculate the load using API.
So rating-- the circuit rating, number of elements, this is quite useful. So I always would look how many that's here, number of elements, how many elements is connected, so you know.
And then, the length, this is another issue. I can talk a lot of time about this, but we're not covering this. So we know this length, by default, is delta x, delta y, delta z from the device to the panel. So again, this is read-only. Revit will calculate for you.
So native parameters, once we put them into the panel schedule, it is for each as a circuit basis. So each circuit will have these parameters, which is-- list that in the panel schedule. So these are panel-- circuit parameters. Circuit parameters is one by one. And then, panel parameter is just a single-- it's relating to the panel.
So a panel schedule has two parts. It's always have two parts. It always has two parts, circuit part, and then, there is a panel part. So panel part is actually-- the parameters are binding to the electrical parameter-- electrical equipment. And these are binding to electric circuit category. So we should be very clear when we see the panel schedule. We should be very clear, be aware this is equipment parameter. This is circuit parameter. By this, we just divide it into two parts.
And again, sorry about this. We have a custom parameters. So when we use API, we use a lot of our own calculations. So we need to embed custom parameters. So an example of a custom parameter is showing the element information. See, each element has got a type mark. So this is a lighting type. So we want to suck these and put them into a-- see, this is a circuit property. So we can suck those element and put it into report in the circuit parameter.
So for this circuit, we know we have those lighting types. There is no repeat or throwaway repeat. So we suck that and using API to concatenate element types. So every element also by looking at the circuit we'll know, ah, OK, in this circuit, we have these types. And that parameter is actually from the lighting from device, a type mark. So we go through the elements in the circuit and suck those and put them into circuit so it's easier to observe for circuit and check the circuit.
So similarly, we can use this concept. You can use for many things, like where it is, we can concatenate room numbers by API. So yeah, this device in this room. So we know roughly looking at the circuit parameter, we know, ah, what kind of type of light fittings, and where they are, what are the rooms the elements of this circuit is in. So this is quite useful.
And then once we put present them into the panel schedule, these parameter can be readily shown in the circuit value of the parameter. So we can see this by look at it, oh, yeah. So it's very clear, isn't it.
So and these are the code for extract element connected to the circuit, extract the information from them and throw them, in a concatenated way, into a circuit parameter. So and another example of circuit parameter is the demand factor. We talk about the different countries' standard. So when we have-- oh, this is not, this is the demand effect. I will talk about the countries data next.
So this demand factor, you see 40%, is dictating how you calculate the load for that circuit. Because when you calculate that load as a diversified load, you need to have a design load. Design load is usually what you connected, and then times demand factor. So you get a diversified load. So that load is the diversified load is what it's going to be calculated as a load because the demand effect is only 40%. So we have user-defined parameter, custom parameter, called the demand factor. So you can write each circuit with the demand factor by schedule or by some [? BIM ?] link or [? RF ?] tools. So this is for easy control of calculation for each circuit.
And also we have a flagger. This is what I'm talking about, the standard industry, standard for each country. So in New Zealand and Australia we have a standard for power outlet receptacle, a load calculation. So the rule tells us, is the first receptacle outlet is 1,000 watt and the subsequent each of the load power outlet is about 100 watt. So that's the formula we calculated. So if we have seven of these, we calculate we get 6.96 amps.
So this is actually a flagger. So if we tick that box in any schedule or in the BIM link or whatever, and then the API will throw-- will use this formula to calculate. So the local calculation rule is easily satisfied with API and with the signal or with the flag of the user. The user say, ah, this circuit, I'm going to use this calculation methodology.
So this is a code example of how we calculate these kind of circuits to follow the local industry standard. So now we look at how we-- load calculation, how we calculate with one-click operation as I mentioned before. So we have circuit [INAUDIBLE] correctly. We have put the parameter correctly for the circuit, and now let's look at how we calculate.
So obviously we calculate from circuit basis to a panel. So we say we have element, element 1, 2, 3, 4, n elements and their amps. So when we have a-- in a circuit, we have different elements. We usually add them up. So 15 elements, we add it up, we add these amps up. So we plus, plus, plus, we have a circuit apparent current as 2.74 amps and then 2.74 amps for a single phase.
And then we copy this to-- this is a Revit, [INAUDIBLE], Revit will calculate the connectors and then give you a-- and we copy a user-defined parameter designed circuit to calculate because we have our own way of calculation. So we automatically using API to copy it so that we have our own set of the designed circuit load.
So once we have that, I talked about the circuit demand factor. So we have a demand factor 40%, that the user entered, so we have diversified the load. So that the load for that circuit is calculated based on the individual items, elements, lighting, or power connected, and with the Revit reported amps, and then with the circuit demand factor. So we successfully get the load for each circuit.
So once we get each circuit, now we need aggregate them into the panel. So to calculate the circuit load to a panel, we add them phase by phase. So if it is phase a-- because sometimes they can connect to phase A, B, C, different phases. So we add separately into different phases. So each phase will have a total value of the load amps. And then, indeed, we have phase A, phase B, phase C. Or in New Zealand, Australia, we call red, white, blue.
Then we have this formula. So when we want to get a total amps for the panel load, we have this formula. We have A amps, B plus C times line to ground voltage, divided by line to line voltage times 1.732. So this is the way we get the total panel load, but that's not the end of the game. We need to add some spare capacity, let's say 25.
The user can enter it. For my panel, I want 40, I want 20, I want zero spare capacity. I want panel demand factor because the panel is not always fully on. So we say roughly 80% demand factor. So once we get that, we get this total panel load. Total panel load equals 1 plus panel specific capacity, and times the demand factor we get success, we get final. So this is always we look at-- this is our panel load.
We can also calculate the different classifications. So similarly, similar to the total load, we can calculate lighting load. Because when we check the load classification string of that circuit, if it says lighting, we just add them phase A, phase B, phase III-- phase C of all the lighting, we just add these, and then we use the same formula. And then similarly power, HVAC. So in that we separate the different load classifications into different total of the amps load. So if we add these, we get that.
So obviously, we just-- this just for reporting purposes-- we'll roughly see, ah, yeah, how much the for each lighting demand or for each classification demand. We know [INAUDIBLE] for this panel. So this is quite useful for design purposes. So this is code for calculating the load based on classification.
And then once we have a panel, we can sum up or feed up to the higher level of the panels. So say from this sub MSB to ACO, we go up, we go one up one level, and we can see, with this, we have a total load here, the red. Yeah. So for when it is connected to the upstream and it becomes a circuit. So this becomes a circuit in the ACO. ACO in this case is like a panel. So this sub-MSB becomes a circuit of the panel of ACO. And then this copying process is using API. And then from the circuit we can calculate the load for the ACO as a panel as what we just repeat the calculation we did before, the same similar formula, similar methodology.
So in this case, and once we get ACO as a total load, total panel demand, and then we can feed it through because we have a dual connection. So that will become part of the circuit. In this case, we have [INAUDIBLE] number six, three phase, of MSB-a. So we successfully passed the load upstream to the MSB-A. And similarly, we can do the similar things, very similar from ACO to MSB-B. And then that's another circuit within MSB. So it's from a light bulb to MSB. The calculation is quite smooth, of course, the behind the logic is from API.
So this is going-- I'm going to talk about the load from other disciplines. So let's have a look at the case example of powerful HVAC. So in this case, we look at the chiller room. So when we connect the chiller load, we use a permanent connector device, which is as a three-phase device. And in this, we have put that-- so in 3D is just a blob. So then it is-- we know this is feeding for mechanical for a chiller, and then power supply for chiller.
And then we can manually assign the load. So we can do-- or we can use mapping that-- I'll talk about that. We can mapping to the mechanical model or to mechanical device equipment. So and then we got the load from that device is 624. So it's quite a heavy load for mechanical device. We know HVAC consists quite a large portion of the total load.
So and then most very importantly, we give it a service for. So this electrical is what is connected service for other disciplines. We need to tell it. We need, on our power model, we need to tell it. So in this case, we have a code referring to MCP mechanical control panel. So that is the control panel for chiller. So and then that parameter, once you entered it, can be summarized in the tag. So the tag say, supplying to mechanical board. So in this case, once we have this correct, we have the load from HVAC passed into our power system, and we're using similar-- same, exactly same calculation methodology as I described before from the device to circuit, circuit to the panel, panel to upstream panels.
So and then to-- as we can see, we can use the circuit schedules to filter out the electrical for mechanical. We know, ah, these are the devices supplying to HVAC. So and to which device of HVAC? So we can filter them. See, these are all the loads from the HVAC. So we can easily see ah, for HVAC, how many loads, how many devices that is taking the load, and how many, and what are the amps.
So and then this is another example for duty standby. So we know some comms racks, they have two dual supplies-- dual loads, not dual supplies, dual loads, with two racks. One is duty, one is standby. So obviously, we are not going to calculate the standby as a load because they only use one. You either use duty or use standby. So the load should be only calculated once. So we have the load for-- this is the device, the socket. We're showing power supply for comms rack, for communications racks for a cabinet for the communication equipment. And then manually assign load, we have signs similar to HVAC. We have signs 4.5 amps for this load.
However, we have, say, this device is standby without our API system, this device. So this is standby. So our API will automatically put a 0 of the demand factor. So it will be 0%. So it will bypass all the calculation because we always mod all two of them together so that the one that is standby will be shown on the drawing. So it will show service for. And then it will not be part of the calculation, which is bypass any standby devices. So this way we quickly just getting the load calculation automatically, making it correct.
And then there are some loads from other models. So this is an example from a tunnel model. So we know that we have-- this is because this is a rail, underground rail. We have a tunnel, so we have some lighting power supplies to the tunnel, and then there-- and then this is not in the station model because it's too big. You wouldn't be able to put a stage in the tunnel in the same model.
So in this model, but we need to connect it to the panel. The panel is actually located in the station building. But that's not a problem. We just put it in the right x, y, z location of the tunnel model. And then we circuit all the tunnel devices into some tunnel service panel service, tunnel power, and panel-locating station building. Panel load needs to string up to the station building. It will, this one, this circuit taking all the loads, supplying all the loads to the tunnel, but itself needs to upstream to the station building MSBs like any other panels.
So how do we do that? So we have-- yeah, for this tunnel model we have calculated, we have summarized 6.1 amps, so by the normal calculation, as I mentioned before, for the tunnel. So how we pass it into the station building? So now, in the station building, we have a panel, exactly the same panel. We call it the clone. We call the clone panel. So it's a clone panel from the tunnel.
And then that panel will have a tick so we know this is clone. This is repeated from the tunnel model. And then we manually copy, or when I say manually, it's API. We can copy-- it's not API, sorry. It's manually. It's manually. It's not API. Not doing that. Probably in the future we can do that. But in this case, we manually-- because there are not many-- copy that from the load from tunnel to the clone model and then continue the upstream calculation.
So our BIM manager, they are so clever, so they use-- so this is tunnel model. They use some tools, link element data, and then you have some RF tools. You can map, because it's not just the amps, there are other things you need to transfer from that tunnel panel, the panel in the tunnel model. The panel is for the tunnel.
But when using the tunnel model, you have all the design data in that tunnel model. So you need to copy. You can name it, you can map a few parameters and circuit copy it to the clone board, the clone board in the host model. In this case, it's in the station model. So that in this way, we successfully kind of semi-automatically to pass the load in other models to our main model or host model and continue the upstream calculation as usual.
So I think that's to the end of a brief walkthrough. There are many aspects that I'm happy to discuss further with you or with the industry in the future. This is exciting, and it is just-- this is very promising. So the conclusion from myself is, basically, it's very simple. Revit electrical system is solid. The system is solid. We can do connection circuits. It's pretty solid.
Custom development can do everything almost because we, invariably, we will have our own needs. We want to do what we want. That's Autodesk's hope they give us API, so and Dynamo in some case. In some sense, Dynamo is similar. So we can do almost everything, like you can see. So we can-- to make it a-- we need to make it a complete and a clean system. That's very important, it's maintainable, it's robust, it's checkable, and we can do a lot of iterations of design changes.
So we need to make a complete system which consists family, families, modeling, we need a model to circuiting correctly, always correct drafting. Of course, you need to produce correct drawing, tag them, and then API Dynamo. So if we get these as a robust system, robust system and clean system, and the complete the whole loop, we could deliver in a quite elegant fashion.
So yeah, switch on the project. If it is switched on, at the moment its construction is almost completed. We have live charge of the electricity in the stations. So this project, we actually won something. So yeah, as I mentioned, I see excellence awards. So yeah, as I say, I'm happy to discuss further with this is probably-- this is the start of the journey. Yeah, we hope we can get more out of the technology in the future years. Thank you so much.
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