Key Learnings
- Discover best practices for implementing user-specific and project training
- Identify feedback loops necessary for optimizing workflows
- Understand the importance of establishing expectations with regards to how BIM 360 will be deployed
- Gain insight into how Forge integrations can be successfully used
- Evan JahnSustainability and BIM 360 specialist with the Virtual Design and Construction group at Clayco. Evan has focused on enhancing the workflows with regards to how BIM information can more effectively inform work in the field and the reverse. Starting out in the Technical Assurance Group of Clayco focusing on managing LEED process on all projects the realization was made that information flow needs continual process improvement to always provide value. Currently focusing on providing business intelligence analytics and optimizing workflows that reduce re-work, efficiently manage human and physical resource efficiency that results in more efficient outcomes for all stakeholders.
- Mark Da Gama RoseMark has over 22 years of experience in the AEC industry. He has worked in a variety of capacities that have provided invaluable insight into the perspective of different design and construction stakeholders. This includes training multiple AEC firms on various design related software programs, performing BIM services on numerous design-build projects and leading enterprise BIM 360/ ACC implementation initiatives at Clayco, Inc. His current focus is on enterprise technology adoption of platform tools such as ACC. Mark enjoys working to meet the needs of architects, engineers, construction managers, subcontractors and building owners. By reverse engineering what is required from an implementation perspective he focuses on what standards are needed, how the end user will adopt these workflows on web and mobile platforms and how data will need to be analyzed at a project and enterprise level. Engagement with IT data teams and software vendors is an essential part of the implementation journey. The main emphasis is to seek feedback about the technology approach from each stakeholder while keeping a constant mantra of questioning its value. This tight feedback loop allows Mark and his team to provide effective training and support while keeping track of lessons learned within the enterprise execution. The goal being to help project teams and executives that face complex design, constructability, financial and schedule challenges to realize the benefits of working as one within the common data environment.
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