Key Learnings
- Learn how to see that inspected and non-inspected infrastructure and buildings are easily visualized for quick review
- Understand how inspectors, analysts, and stakeholders can access and review the data in a web-based format
- Discover how construction corridors, existing infrastructure, and geographic information system layers can coexist for visualization of inspections
- Find out how the data can be managed using a variety of tools suited to the particular needs of the stakeholders
- FMFrank MisurecFrank Misurec has over 20 years of experience in the information technology industry, serving as a solution architect, developer, trainer, and leader. He has more than 15 years of experience as an international geospatial consultant to telecommunications, utilities, and municipal governments. Frank has a proven record of success in managing and implementing software systems that model and maintain utility infrastructure, support the design process, streamline business processes, and integrate diverse systems. Frank is an expert in building business-focused applications utilizing the Autodesk, Inc., suite of products that includes MapGuide software, AutoCAD Map 3D software, Topobase Client software, and AutoCAD Utility Design software. Frank has a BMath in applied mathematics and computer science from the University of Waterloo, Canada.
- SBStephen BrockwellStephen Brockwell founded Brockwell IT Consulting to provide independent business and technical leadership for the Geospatial community. His leadership at Autodesk, where he was a Senior Business Development Manager and Director of Product Management, provided the path for advanced GIS initiatives. Before joining Autodesk, Stephen was on the team for SHL VISION* Solutions, developers of the first all-relational GIS based on Oracle. Qwest Communications and First Energy, among others, still use the underlying technology he developed. Recently, Stephen has been involved in enterprise-level projects for Nevada Energy and First Energy; field mobility projects for City of Alexandria and Welland Hydro; and product development for Autodesk. With his experience in the Geospatial industry including government and private sector, Stephen has been a regular instructor at Autodesk University. He is committed to efficient, low-cost solutions to implement GIS technology for infrastructure design.