Key Learnings
- Learn how to manage workflow into Infrastructure Design Suite
- Learn how to use InfraWorks 360, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Map 3D, 3ds Max, and Navisworks
- Discover Bridge Module
- Discover Civil View extension
- SMSalvatore MacriI'm BIM Specialist for Infrastructure with particolar focus for Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite. I also worked as: - SME: Subject Matter Expert for translation in Italian of InfraWorks 360 (2015); - development of Italian Country Kit for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015 with particular attention to create subassembly element and definition of C3D Style Object; Before to start in Autodesk reseller partner I was CAD Manager and Designer in Engineerig firms. Prior to join in Engineering firms I was GIS Specialist and Surveryor.
- Daniele SerrettiI'm Senior GIS Specialist with particular focus on AutoCAD Map 3D.<br/><br/>I'm working in GIS markets about 15 years. Prior to join in InterCAD I was IT specialist and trainer for CAD/CAM application in some manufacturing companies.
- Stefano TopariniStefano Toparini works as a solution engineer for Autodesk, Inc., in Italy. With almost 30 years of experience in the IT world, Stefano has worked in many areas, including software development, system integration, database technologies, geographic information systems, and visualization. He lives in Rome, Italy, with his wife and family.