Key Learnings
- Learn how to capitalize on the use of BIM and CAD for project delivery integrated with GIS for asset management
- Learn how to identify and quantify the value of BIM to a project’s costs benefits and ROI
- Learn how to maximize use of BIM tools within the AEC Collections for project delivery
- Learn how to further increase use of the AEC Collections for lifecycle project-asset management
- LPLance ParveLance Parve, MSEng, P.G.<br/><br/>Lance works as a Sr. Project Engineer/CIM Coordinator for the WisDOT in SE Freeways. His work involves planning, design, and construction of transportation projects greater than $500 million and also provides CIM-CAD-GIS, 3D technologies, and LiDAR survey coordination and support. Working for WisDOT since 2007 involving public sector work, with 15 years previous involvement in private sector civil and environmental infrastructure work, he has been involved in numerous successful planning, design, and construction mega-major transportation projects at WisDOT. He has a MS Engineering degree, MS Certificate Urban Planning GIS degree, and a BS Geological Sciences degree from the UW-Milwaukee. He also is Co-chairperson of the CIM-VDC Subcommittee of the National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research Board (TRB) ABJ95 Visualization in Transportation Committee