Key Learnings
- Learn how to properly put together a BIM Execution Plan for a large infrastructure project
- Learn how to design, coordinate, and execute a modeling plan that takes into account multioffice collaboration
- Discover the use of BIM for construction documentation, visualization, and analysis using AutoCAD Civil 3D, Revit, and 3ds Max
- Learn about coordinating models across a large infrastructure site from multiple disciplines using Navisworks
- JSJon ServedioSince joining Mott MacDonald in 2009, Mr. Servedio has served as one of the company’s BIM-CAD Managers/Specialists and as a Senior Programming Specialist. He has spent many years working different roles in both the construction, MEP and information technology industries. His proficiencies in computer technology include application development, website development and hardware maintenance. His proficiencies in the BIM-CAD technology include creating execution plans, standards creation and enforcement, advanced BIM modelling, advanced building system coordination and resource management. He also has experience in commercial construction, plumbing and fire protection design. Mr. Servedio has helped to start and guide the usage of multiple document management and BIM/CAD management systems within Mott MacDonald.He also provides advice on the use and customization of many software packages used in the construction industry.
- TSToby SargantMr. Sargant is a senior pedestrian modeling, visualization, and computer simulation specialist. He is a Chartered Engineer with over 15 years of experience in the creation of 2D and 3D computer media and analysis, including detailed STEPS pedestrian 3D modeling simulations, in accordance with standards including NFPA 130 and LUL, computer generated images and fly-throughs, photomontages, video capture, editing, and compositing. Mr. Sargant is also proficient in the production of natural Daylight/Sunlight studies and glare simulations as part of environmental impact assessments, as well as providing electrical lighting and solar radiation calculations for proposed designs. He is a skilled user of Mott MacDonald’s STEPS software and Autodesk 3ds max, as well as the Adobe Production Studio Suite, Autodesk Ecotect, EPA MOVES, and AGI32 software packages.